Information Ethics and the Future

Call for Papers

More data is being gathered by more organizations than ever before. Simultaneously, researchers are collecting data in increasingly sensitive settings, and privacy laws are becoming increasingly complex for individuals and organizations to navigate. The outrage over the Cambridge Analytica case amply demonstrates how little most people understand about what they agree to when they sign up for services, however the personalization possible when a service holds data on an individual is frequently beneficial.

We invite position papers from participants with ethical challenges in:

  • Using or managing data gathered from less-privileged or currently vulnerable individuals in a respectful way
  • Communicating or preserving information that is potentially offensive or mischaracterises groups in stigmatising ways
  • Providing ethically sensitive access to information on contested or sensitive subjects
  • Using publically available data in ethically sensitive and accountable ways
  • Ethical approaches to and challenges with data governance in governmental or commercial organizations
  • Informed consent about data collection and use
  • Ethical consequences of information provided by autonomous computer systems
  • Enabling ethical transparency by providing information to employees or customers
  • Any other challenge of information ethics driven by new technologies

We welcome all relevant proposals regardless of how unconventional they may be. We welcome proposals from any relevant discipline including library and information science, human computer interaction, data science and ethics.

Participants should submit an abstract of up to two (2) pages in the ASIST format . Papers will be juried for inclusion on the basis of their ethical sensitivity, relevance to the workshop themes and their potential to generate discussion at the workshop.

Accepted participants must register for the workshop. Participants can expect a highly interactive workshop, with two panel sessions and two small-group interactive sessions. The long-term aim of this workshop is to generate an edited book.


Submissions should be made by email. Please upload any contributions in PDF format. In case of any problems contact George Buchanan.

Important Dates

Submission: 14th September 2018

Notifications of Acceptance: 28th September 2018