
Listen to the song created by Ethan Levy in EarSketch below!

Click the link below to listen to the song!


Above is the code that was used to make the song on EarSketch.

EarSketch Artifact Summary:

Assignment Name: EarSketch Assignment 3: Song Creation

Date: May 2nd, 2017

Topic/Concept: Python in EarSketch, a music composition website

Learning Objective: The objective is for students to create a song using Python in EarSketch, and the outcome of the assignment was that students crafted their own unique song and learned more about how programming languages are used in the field of music.

Assignment Description:

Learning how to code will be very important in the future, but knowing when and where to use the programming skills you obtain can be difficult to do. This assignment in EarSketch shows the class how coding can be used in many different fields, and it allows them to be creative while completing it. The class was required to use loops and sounds supplied by EarSketch and their Python skills to create a 64 measure song with three different sections that can play multiple times. The song also had to include different functions and variables that contained and ran different sounds. Overall, I found this assignment to be menacing at first, but once I was able to get a start, I created a song that I am proud to display in my reflection of my time in Computer Science Principles. This work shows that I am able to use Python in many different ways to create amazing products and conquer many feats, and I feel proud that I am able to display this EarSketch assignment as an example of my work!

Computer Science Principles 3A