
An accumulation of the certificates earned throughout the school year


Hour of Code Certificates Artifact Summary:

Assignment Name: Hour of Code Certificates for Code.org, Tynker, TechRocket, DataCamp, and Radius Courses

Date: Code.org - December 5th, 2016; Tynker - December 5th, 2016; TechRocket - April 24th, 2017, DataCamp - January 27th, 2017; Radius - October 2016

Topic/Concept: An assortment of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, Python, and Java, are covered in all the different tutorials taken throughout the year

Learning Objective: The objective is for students to complete each of the tutorials, including Code.org, Tynker, DataCamp, TechRocket, and Radius, and understand the fundamentals of the programming languages taught.

Assignment Description:

Over the course of the year, the class has given many different assignments in the form of online tutorials for programming languages. After some of the tutorials, certificates were given to prove that the students have completed the course. The certifications that have been included in the presentation include ones from Code.org, Tynker, DataCamp, TechRocket, and Radius. The process for completing these tutorials varied, and each one has its own paragraph describing the pros and cons of the tutorial. I have learn a large amount of my coding skills from these tutorials, and I am very pleased and proud to display these on my digital reflection of the class.

Computer Science Principles 3A