Voice to Text

This is the story of how I got started in teaching it was the first day of the program at UBC and though I didn't know it at the time I was about to eat in my very first class she was sitting near the front of the room and the story she was telling we're already in throwing an audience that for all I knew we're good friends from previous engagements but that were in fact both just as new to her as I would be she was elegant if I recall correctly a red one and black hunter boots red Hunter boots my mistake I arrived in flannel and a flat brim baseball cap looking essentially the same as I did when I was in the universe I knew that as soon as I walked in she had a great sense of humour a cute smile a joyful laugh always wanted around me we talked and after a rather awkward opening ceremony where we were handed just the tassel of our graduating down with seemingly disempowered the teaching degree because if you already earned it do this true had to survive your practicum it was it didn't seem like that much of a valuable anyway we went for a walk with several other friends some of who would stay long-term rather short and we discussed our backgrounds and what has brought us to teaching in the first place more than anything it felt exciting to be back in a school environment for me especially after having some dark smoking myself into an oblivion this felt like an exciting but last opportunity to make meaning in my life little design that your mother would face the same challenges as I would but she would simultaneously surmount surmount them with Grace professionalism and ultimately she would not only T-shirts to she would teach me to be the best version of myself that I could be and that is the greatest accomplishment I see in my teacher I see in the teaching program for myself we moved we moved our separate ways we began our practicum but when we met up after the practicum for a short celebration of our of our success we had a few drinks friends and we spent the night the night dancing away together I knew in that moment I had to tell her at some point before this was all over how I felt about her I wasn't that impressed with the particular manner that I chose if memory serves there was quite a bit of liquid courage that was incorporated however once the cat was out of the bag I was so glad for it because I'd learned by the end of that year I didn't want to ever go A Year Without that last those Eyes by my side do we split our separate ways to begin our teaching careers I to Calgary in Kelowna it turned out we couldn't spend much more than one year apart and I made after making the move to be back with her we both ended up enter the hive careers I propose to her after a year after moving to Kelowna on our second anniversary the following year that's all after the pain. We were finally married and then to just two weeks later we found out you were coming along this was meant to started the story of How I Met Your Mother that's really it's become the story a rather short version of the best event in years of my life I wouldn't change a thing because it's led me here and to you much love from Dad

  1. How does the text deviate from conventions of written English?

Firstly, there are several word errors where the words that are spoken are mistaken for others and transcribed inappropriately. Secondly, the text seems to be a run-on sentence without proper grammar. This changes the emphasis and tone of the story.

  1. What is "wrong" in the text? What is "right"?

The general narrative is correct, but how it flows is wrong as it is disjointed and at some points nonsensical. Spelling is likewise accurate, however, if the word chosen is inappropriate, it still impedes the flow of the story.

  1. What are the most common "mistakes" in the text and why do you consider them "mistakes"?

The easiest mistakes to fix are the run-on sentences and the choice of words, as these make the story difficult to understand without editing.

  1. What if you had "scripted" the story? What difference might that have made?

It would have shorter sentences, proper grammar, and most likely, some review for redundant sentences. This would help the story flow more naturally, and it would help the reader appreciate the distinction between events.

  1. In what ways does oral storytelling differ from written storytelling?

Oral storytelling is more organic and in that sense, it can deviate from a linear narrative; written storytelling is more deliberate, and therefore it typically follows a clear path of rising and falling action from its introduction to the conclusion.