
ETEC540-7.5_ What's in my Bag_.mp4

This video represents my revisitation of "what's in my bag?" from week 1 of the course, but with a primarily auditory component rather than visual. I focus primarily on my tablet, which besides a lunch is typically the only device I am guaranteed to use each day, and I discuss how and why I use it as per the New London Group's definition of "Pedagogy".

Some of the challenges I found in mode bending were around how to authentically relay similar information as my original post without appearing redundant. Obviously, I chose to change the format substantially, preferring to focus more on "what is most important in my bag" rather than a description of "everything in my bag", and this was primarily after reflection on the feedback offered after my first iteration of the "what's in my bag" post. This actually turned out to be beneficial, as it helped me to reconsider how the change of mode could help to better illustrate the unique pedagogical benefits of my tablet rather than pulling attention for other aspects of my daily life. As my tablet is my primary creative device, it is most directly connected to my practice, and so in sharing its story I in turn can illustrate my pedagogical strategies as well.