Internet Safety

The data we provide in digital format on the internet can have a significant impact on our current and future selves.

With the increasing number of people posting and sharing videos online, here are some key points to consider when posting online.

Watch the 3 videos in this slide deck, then consider the impact of privacy leaks, oversharing, and tracking in your digital lifestyle.

Internet Safety

"I have nothing to hide"

Every site you visit, button you click, and every post can be traced to you.
What digital crumbs have you left online?

  • Your first name, nickname, or full name

  • Your birthday, place of birth, or immigration date

  • Your current or previous addresses

  • Your email or phone number

  • Names of your parents and children, or their birthdays

  • Photos of you and your family members

  • Hobbies, interests, weekly schedule, or vacation plans

Reflect upon the information you need to apply for:

  • A health card

  • An identity card

  • A financial account

  • A line of credit

  • A mortgage

Empowering the User

A digital footprint is indelible. Review this infographic about maintaining a healthy and private online presence and think of your own digital habits. What personal information have you let drift publicly on the internet?

To conclude this section on Internet Safety, please use the app below to rank the things to be most aware of when students are posting video online. Results will live update below.
