
Let's start with two basic questions: Do the 2 images above resonate with you? Are your lectures droning on?

As a student who has sat through many lectures, I can honestly say I've droned off in many of them. Even as a lecturer, while I attempt to create a lively vibe to keep things entertaining, it's inevitable that there will be students who end up loosing attention and fall asleep due to lack of interest.

Most educational formats tend to be passive with the teacher speaking and lack of student participation. In contrast, active teaching makes the classroom more dynamic and lead to higher student success. Research has reflected that undergraduate students in classes with traditional stand-and-deliver lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail than students in classes that use more stimulating, so-called active learning methods.

Now compare it to this, see the difference?

The Rationale

Active learning methods ask students to engage in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. In class, students practice skills, solve problems, struggle with complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion. Timely feedback, from either the instructor or fellow students, is critical to this learning process. Education research shows that incorporating active learning strategies into university courses significantly enhances student learning experiences (Freeman et al., 2014; Theobald et al., 2020).

Technology is evolving at a faster pace. Education needs to reinvent itself to adapt to the changing technology. With more emerging forms of mixed reality applications being commonly accessible for consumers, education should expand it's scope and provide students with more flexible options to learn.

In recent years, hologram technology has become more accessible and affordable. Not merely confined within the realms of science fiction, effective application of holograms can change the entire world and its communication system. In every field, including the education field, this can easily transform messages into data and can provide more transparency in the channels of the communication system in the entire world.

This fact is proved by the emerging trend of hologram technology on our smartphones. Thinking ahead into the future, there are various ways hologram technology can easily make fictional concepts become reality in the near future and how it can bring revolutionary results in our daily life in many aspects.

The Proposal

Through personal observations, commentary and research conducted, this OER will investigate whether there is room for holograms to exist in future classrooms and whether learning can be enhanced by their inclusion. The OER is not designed to promote holograms or negatively criticize the technology but rather, it will take a neutral stance and propose whether it's practical and possible to create entire curriculums based on holographic technology.

This OER will highlight the advantages of using Holograms in teaching and debate whether their application can serve as a game changer in how education is delivered to learners, in addition to Mobile Technology's prominent role in pushing Holographic technology to a wider user base.