Resources for Students

Microlearning Resources

With so much information and multiple platforms available, microlearning is effective as information is delivered in small digestible amounts (Beus, 2017). Students are provided with focused information and can learn at their own pace. There are various effective microlearning resources that help students retain information. Microlearning can take place in different forms such as microlectures, mini-games or RSS feeds. Allowing users to focus on what is critical to their learning objectives.

Microlearning Courses

Duration: 7 weeks

Platform: EdinburghX

Price: free to audit or 43 euros for the Verified Certificate Program

Duration: 11 weeks

Platform: FutureLearn

Price: 643 euros for 4 university undergraduate credits at Institut Français de la Mode

Duration: 5 lessons

Platform: EdApp

Price: free

Microlearning Free Apps

Students can view videos, articles, or course materials that educators globally have designed. They can also get involved in TEDEd themselves; by offering mini-talks or courses. This may help to deepen their knowledge in a particular subject and develop skills for future employment.

The app is free when an institution subscribes to LinkedIn Learning. Students can have free access to participate in courses. Courses allow students to further their knowledge or prepare them to join the workforce once they graduate.

Flashcards are a type of microlearning strategy, and Chegg allows students to create their own specific to what they're learning. There is also a library of flashcards designed by other students or educators for use. Flashcards can be helpful for exam preparation, memory retention for learning languages, and deepening knowledge about a given topic.