Content Creators

Anna Ayoung-Stoute


Microlearning is most useful for me when learning new technology. The just-in-time learning approach is practical when overcoming challenges with design or implementing a new tool. I have taken microlearning courses, and there is a lot of content to learn in a short space of time. So I question the retention factor in microlearning. However, as someone in academia, higher education needs to rethink its educational strategy. As microlearning or microcredentials courses are preparing students to enter the workforce.

Alexis Reeves

Primary & ESL Teacher

Upon researching microlearning I was surprised that I had already used it many times but not realized it had the name 'microlearning' attached to it. I had used Quizizz and Kahoot to create quizzes and polls to integrate into my teaching, infographics for projects and website designs in this course and the microlearning app DuoLingo to help me learn Spanish. With further research I realized like many forms of technology there are great advantages to learning ‘on-the-go’ and market trends show mobile learning to become the norm in the near future. The downfalls of learning material faster and more streamlined can present some challenges in understanding 'how much is enough' to learn a subject in its entirety. Navigating through our OER, I hope you learn something new about microlearning in the tertiary education market today.