
Student Covid Relief (India)

Much of the money raised has gone straight to helping families still struggling from the aftermath of the coronavirus in India. With these funds raised, we have helped pay off college tuitions, school fees, and many more expenses that would otherwise be impossible to cope with.

Families like these were the main reason I decided to start this project, and the reason I continue. Seeing how much of a difference even a minimal amount of help can make really gives you a sense of happiness that can't be achieved otherwise.

Angels of Hope (Key2Finesse)

Another portion of the funds raised has gone to Angels of Hope. This amazing organization is based in Michigan, and focuses on the often overlooked financial aspect of the battle against cancer, for thousands of Michigan families. With Angels of Hope, families do not need to worry about how they will be able to pay for cancer treatment, and another burden is lifted off of there shoulders. (This gift was given through Key2Finesse)

Rotary International

Rotary is another incredible community being helped by this project. The Rotary International team work to solve huge world issues; disease, war, stable education, and much more. Through a close connection, we have ensured that all money raised has gone straight to where it matters most.

The funds are actively being distributed to people in need! I was really surprised to see how much of an impact the money made. We are still working to distribute the rest of the funds, and we really couldn't have given back without the help of all of you.

I hope all of you had a great time contributing to this amazing cause, learned something new, and improved your writing skills along the way. I'm looking forward to my future projects and seeing what we can accomplish next!

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me at or at 248-870-7780 at any time, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!