
Peer Review Journals

1. Cudjoe, E., Abdullah, A. & Manful, E. (2021). Parents’ Perceptions on the Outcomes of Children’s Participation in Child Protection Meetings in Ghana. Journal of Child and Family Studies.

2. Manful, E., Abdullah, A., & Cudjoe, E. (2021). When parents fail: Addressing delinquent child maintenance through informal resources. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(3):278-284. DOI: 10.1177/1049731520980801

3. Manful, E., Cudjoe, E., & Abdullah, A. (2020). Towards child-inclusive practices in child protection in Ghana: Perspectives from parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 119.

4. Abdullah, A., Cudjoe, E. and Manful, E. (2020). Creating a better kinship environment for children in Ghana: Lessons from young people with informal kinship care experience. Child & Family Social Work. 1–8. https://doi. org/10.1111/cfs.12764

5. Abdullah, A., Manful, E., Cudjoe, E. & Boateng, L. K. (2020). How Did I Know When to Report Physical Neglect? Ghanaian Mothers’ Views on Delinquent Child Maintenance, Practice, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/09503153.2020.1730780

6. Manful, E., Abdullah, A. & Cudjoe, E. (2019). Decision-Making on Child Neglect: Ghanaian Social Workers’ Views and Experiences. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. DOI: 10.1007/s42448-019-00041-6

7. Manful, E., Umoh, O. & Abdullah, A. (2019). Examining welfare provision for children in an old relic: focusing on those left behind in residential child care homes in Ghana. Journal of Social Services Research.

8. Manful, E. & Abdullah, A. (2018). Conceptualisation of child neglect: A Ghanaian practice narrative. International Social Work, 1–13. DOI: 10.1177/0020872818810382

9. Manful, E. and Atakora, M. (2018). Work and study: exploring the social actions of undergraduates on a social protection scheme in Ghana. International Review of Social Research, 8(1):109-117.

10. Abdullah, A.; Cudjoe, E. & Manful, E. (2018). Barriers to childcare in Children's Homes in Ghana: Caregivers' solutions. Children and Youth Services Review, 88: 450–456.

11. Manful, E. & Cudjoe, E. (2018). Is kinship failing? Views on informal support by families in contact with social services in Ghana. Child & Family Social Work. 23(4): 617-624.

12. Manful, E.; Azumah, D. F.; Mainoo, O. G.; Forkuor, J. B.; Gyasi-Boadu, N. & Ofori-Dua, K. (2017) Gender Differences of Psychosocial Implications of Sexual Abuse: A Survey of Victims in Ghana. Gender & Behaviour, 15 (3), 9570-9583.

13. Manful, E., Appiah, P. B. and Gyasi-Boadu, N. (2016). Domestic Violence in Africa: Exploring the Perceptions of Ghanaian Adolescents. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(4): 63-70.

14. Manful, E., Yeboah, E. H. and Owusu Bembah, E. (2015). The Impacts and Challenges of the Ghana School Feeding Programme as a Social Protection Tool. Journal of Critical Southern Studies. 3, 40-52.

15. Manful, E., Asamoah, E. and Bediako, A. (2015) Care in the silver years: Academics perception of institutional care for the elderly in Ghana. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6, S4): 220-229.

16. Manful, E., Takyi, H. and Gambrah, E. (2015) Admission to Exit: Acquiring life skills whilst in residential care in Ghana. Social Work and Society, 13(2): 1- 13.

17. Yeboah, E. H., Abdulai, A. and Manful, E. (2015). Achieving Long-Term Poverty Reduction and Institutional Sustainability in Microfinance through the Dynamic User Focused Approach. Developing Country Studies, 5(14): 92-103.

18. Manful, E. and Eshun, G. (2015) Ethical Ethos in Cross-National Social Research: Ghanaian researchers’ reflections. International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, 5(1): 238 - 251.

19. Manful, E., Takyi, H. and Ampiah, V. (2014) Ghanaian Undergraduate Social Work Students’ Perception of Group Work. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(4): 387-391.

20. Manful, E. and Manful, S. E. (2014). Child welfare in Ghana: The relevance of children's rights in practice. Journal of Social Work, 14(3): 313–328.

21. Coombs, CR, Hislop, D, Holland, J, Bosley, SLC & Manful, E. (2013) Exploring types of individual unlearning by local health-care managers: an original empirical approach. Health Services Delivery Research; 1(2).

22. Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2011). Ghana’s Children’s Act 560: A Rethink of its Implementation? International Journal of Children’s Rights, 19, 151-165.

23. Manful, E. and McCrystal, P. (2010). Conceptualisation of Children's Rights: What Do Child Care Professionals in Northern Ireland Say? Child Care in Practice, 16(1). 83-97

24. Manful, E. S. and Manful, E. (2010). Improving the lives of Ghanaian children: complementing the global agenda with a structural social work approach. International Journal of Social Welfare, 19 (1), 115–123.

Book Chapters

1. Manful, E. (2020). Leaving No Child Behind in Ghana: Is The Working Child Protected? In Frimpong-Manso, K. & Mohammed Zayan Imoro (eds) The State of Child Protection in Ghana. Accra: Participatory Development Associates Limited. pp: 5-21.

2. Manful, E. and Manful, S.E. (2012). Development of Social Work Education in Ghana: Past, Present and Future. In Jared A. Jaworski (Ed.) Advances in Sociology Research, Volume 12. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

3. Manful, E. (2010). Children's participation: radio as a medium in Ghana. In Cox, S., Robinson-Pant, A., Dyer, C., & Schweisfurth, M. Children as Decision Makers in Education: Sharing Experiences Across Cultures. London: Continuum Publishing.


  1. Perren, K., Halsaa, B., Thun, C.T., Manful, E. (2012). Majority–Minority Relations in Contemporary Women’s Movements. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

2. Manful, E. (2010). The Development of Children's Rights in Africa and Europe: Comparing Legislation in Ghana and Northern Ireland. New York: Edwin Mellen Press.

Published Research Reports

1. Hirsch, D., Phung, V-H. and Manful, E. (2011) Poverty, Ethnicity and Caring. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

2. Munro, E. R., & Manful, E. (2012). Safeguarding children: a comparison of England’s data with that of Australia, Norway and the United States (Research Report DFE-RR198).

3. Munro, E.R., Brown, R. and Manful, E. (2011) Safeguarding children statistics: the availability and comparability of data in the UK. Research Brief. DFE-RB153. London: Department for Education.

4. Signoretta, P., Smith, N., Holmes, L., Beckhelling, J., Hartfree, Y., Hill, K., Manful, E., Padley, M., Perren, K. and Waring, A. (2011) Evaluation of DWP Financial Inclusion Champions Initiative: Final Report and Appendices. London: HM Treasury.

5. Munro, E. R. and Manful, E. (2010) Summary of messages from the International Evidence Review: Appendix 5: International Evidence in Dunford, J. (2010) Review of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (England). Norwich: The Stationery Office. pp. 87 – 105.

6. Predelli, L., Manful, E., Halsaa, B., Thun, C., and Quintero, E. (2010). Christian and Muslim Women in Norway, Spain and the United Kingdom: A Qualitative Study of Religion, Gender and Citizenship. Working Paper No. 6, available at

7. Predelli, L. and Manful, E. (2010). Religion, Gender and Citizenship: A Case Study of Christian and Muslim Women in the United Kingdom. CRSP 604 (unpublished)

8. France, A., Munro, E. R., Meredith, J., Manful, E. and Beckhelling, J. (2009) Effectiveness of the New Local Safeguarding Children Board in England: Interim Report. DCSF Report RR126. (Findings of this report contributed to Lord Laming’s recommendation on Safeguarding Children in the UK, 2009)

9. Adriana Sandu, Line Nyhagen Predelli, Beatrice Halsaa, Cecilie Thun and Esmeranda Manful (2009). Women’s Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Resonance. The Case of Spain. WP4 Working Report No. 3, available at

10. Line Nyhagen Predelli, Kim Perren, Beatrice Halsaa, Cecilie Thun and Esmeranda Manful (2008). Women’s Movements: Constructions of Sisterhood, Dispute and Resonance. The Case of the United Kingdom. FEMCIT WP4 Working Report No. 2, available at