How to Subscribe to Arxiv email

A great way to keep up-to-date with the current directions in your field is by skimming (abstracts of) papers uploaded to Arxiv. This is where the most recent pieces of research appear, months and even years before their actual publication in a refereed journal.

To subscribe to subject classes, or delete existing subscriptions, send an email containing 'add' or 'del' commands. For example,


         Subject: subscribe [Your Name]

         add Algebraic Geometry

         del Symplectic Geometry

will add AG and delete SG from your daily feed. The subject classes can be abbreviated (AG=Algebraic Geometry). To get a list of the valid subject classes, send an empty message 'To:' with 'Subject: subscribe'.


Stackexchange is a great place to ask questions and practice writing math. See my profile there.

See my collection of problems in advanced calculus if you preparing for a Preliminary Exams/Qualifying Exam in advanced calculus, or analysis.  

Only interested in multivariable differential calculus? Click here!

Geometric Measure Theory books: I review 10 of them here. For a video see here.

Great habits to adopt as a math graduate student:

Are you new to teaching/TA'ing? These notes might be helpful.

If you would like the Word file templates of these teaching related material please email me: Sample course outline and weekly schedule that I send my students before day 1. You can find sample worksheets, exams and midterms in my Teaching.

 Teaching in a Nutshell!

An inspiring talk on mathematical education: