My Portfolio

About Me 

Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Esha Shenoy and I am a senior at Dublin High and will be freshman majoring in biomedical engineering at University of Texas Austin soon. During my sophomore year of high school, I took Principles of Engineering (POE): a course that taught the basics of multiple different engineering fields such as computer science and electrical engineering. Through POE, I learned that I enjoyed all of the different aspects, from hands-on project building to coding, although I had grown up learning how to code. My father is a software engineer and his work has always interested me. Aspects of this field that appeal to me include creating projects such as websites to help others and problem solving. This field is exciting because while coding might seem straight forward, building solutions with code is slightly more difficult. The process of creating, testing, and debugging code really intrigues me as I enjoy working on difficult problems. Through the field trips held by school's engineering academy, I was introduced to the different aspects of the biomedical engineering field. I learned how biomedical engineering and biotechnology was an interdisciplinary field of both the health care field and engineering. Growing up, I always had an interest in the medical field. Trips to the doctor's excited me as I able to witness the multiple large machines and was always curious of how they worked. The field of biomedical engineering combined both my interests and feels like a calling of some sorts. 

In order to be successful in the field of biomedical engineering, one needs to have versatility, dedication, persistence, and passion which are all traits I possess. As I have taken part in multiple extracurriculars, I have a wide variety of skills under my belt, including various soft-skills. Through my participation in teams such as my high school’s robotics team, and Orchestra for the past four years, I have developed the soft-skills of communication and teamwork as well as physical skills such as hand-eye coordination. I have developed leadership skills through Dublin’s Youth Advisory Committee; a youth-driven forum, allowing teen voices to be heard about City events. In addition to participating in these extracurriculars, I take advanced classes in school as well which puts my time management skills to the test. Persistence is an important trait which I have used to develop my daily skills and my strong work ethic. One of my hobbies is playing the piano, which has been a hobby since I was 5, and it has taught me valuable lessons in patience and dedication. When learning a new piece, I have learned that I can not play perfectly on the first attempt. I know that accomplishments cannot be created immediately, that one needs to work hard at it. I started playing the violin in seventh grade, in my school’s beginning orchestra where I was able to pick up the violin quite quickly and decided to audition for an advanced orchestra the next year, even though four years of experience was recommended. Yet, with persistence and my quick learning skills, I made it in. My versatility enhanced through my various experiences make me stand out from other students.

When I think of my accomplishments, few are definite. Those being winning 1st place in the California Young Talents Competition for piano in 2020, 2nd place in 2021, and 1st in 2022. I have also competed in the Elite International Music Competition, earning 2nd place in the California division and playing in Carnegie Hall. My other accomplishments are more of accomplishing personal goals such as being accepted into my 2022 summer internships, Engineering for Kids, Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program, and COSMOS. This past summer, I had the opportunity to teach children from the age of 4 to 14 the basics of engineering fields; including aerospace and mechanical. Through this experience, I was able to integrate my passion with one of my other passions, teaching and helping children while learning communication skills as well. I also took part in the Computers in Biophysics and Robotics COSMOS course at UC Davis where I had an amazing opportunity to stay in a dorm for a month and be able to deepen my knowledge of computer science and robotics. Feel free to click on the COSMOS tab on this website to learn more about my experience there. 

Overall, the driving force that makes me, me, is my passion to learn. Thank you for taking the time to start to truly understand me as a person and if you want to continue your journey of learning about me, I invite you to take a look around my site.