Further reading and support

"Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives", UNESCO (2017)

[PDF 2,102 kB]

A comprehensive overview of all the SDGs with example learning objectives and activities for students to engage with.

UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development.pdf

"Education for Sustainable Development Guidance", QAA and Advance HE (2021)

[PDF 6,523 kB]

A guide for incorporating ESD in curriculum design, management and delivery. Examples from practice are included with links to further resources.

QAA Advance HE 2021 ESD Guidance.pdf

"Measuring progress: environment and the SDGs", United Nations Environment Programme (2021)

[PDF 20,932 kB]

A detailed thematic analysis of progress against all SDGs with comprehensive reference list. Further resources available at:


Useful web resources

Comprehensive webpages with links to many resources and examples:

Please share examples from your own practice to be included on this site. Education for Sustainable Development is regularly discussed at Teaching Action Group meetings which are open to all colleagues in the School of Engineering.

For further information please contact Professor Jarka Glassey or Dr Nigel Russell-Sewell.