Education for Sustainable Development


This website is designed to help students and teachers in Engineering disciplines engage with the competencies required of a professional engineer, expressed through:

The website, and accompanying guide, sets these in the context of Education for Sustainable Development. 

Why should we all engage in Engineering for Sustainable Development?

The challenges we face are far greater than climate change, and they are challenges our generations of researchers and students need to face now. We are rapidly approaching a number of tipping points.

Watch this TED talk by Johan Rockström:  10 years to transform the future of humanity -- or destabilize the planet. 

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

"aims at developing competencies that empower individuals to reflect on their own actions, taking into account their current and future social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts, from a local and a global perspective." (UNESCO, 2017)


You are encouraged to explore the whole site, but may be particularly interested in these sections:

Programme and Module Leaders

By considering ESD, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO Sustainability Competencies alongside AHEP 4 learning outcomes in the School of Engineering module leaders can:

Many examples are provided through resources linked, and direct examples from the School of Engineering. If you would like to submit your own example, please complete this form.

"Aligning programmes to sustainable development goals keeps them exciting, up-to-date, and relevant to students in the 21st century"

Professor Chris Day, Vice-Chancellor and President

Newcastle University (28 November 2022)

Newcastle University #4 in the UK and #24 in the world for sustainable development impact. 

[Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2023]