Resources for Designers

The Mineral team is actively working on creating a consolidated set of documentation and tools for designers. Here is a list of current and legacy resources that you can use for guidance while designing UI.

Current Design Guidance

The Mineral Figma project and component library is the most up-to-date Mineral guidance.

The latest Mineral icon library and design guidance.

Legacy Design Guidance

AIOps has been using “Mineralized Material” for a while now. As such, this is a good example and reference for Mineral components’ design and use. Note, this document includes some design decisions specific to AIOps.

Note: If you don't have access, follow these simple instructions to create a Figma account.

Look for a project named “Mineral 2020.” This project is not updated any longer.

This is the old AIOps Gallery. It doesn't appear to be updated any longer.

This is the old Mineral UI website. We handed over control of the open source project, including this website and the domain. Though the new maintainers have ensured us they won’t make any major, breaking changes, this website should probably not be relied on completely.