How to Sanitize Collections in a Pandemic

AASL Pandemic Resources for Librarians

ALA has gathered a number of resources and recommendations.

Their Pandemic Preparedness ( )page include topics to consider in crafting library policy, remote professional development/training resources, and links to state and local information.

AASL Complimentary Resources Clearinghouse

ALA COVID-19 Recovery

This collection of tools, developed and updated by units across the American Library Association, will help communities, library workers, and library supporters plot the best course forward for their libraries.

Planning for Reopening Resources

ALA recognizes that factors impacting libraries' reopening processes will vary based on library type and location, yet there are many common criteria that all libraries will consider, from thoughtful training and phasing-in of onsite services, to health and safety measures that protect staff and community. Decisions about reopening will be made locally. This page is a resource for states and individual libraries planning for reopening. Check back for updates.