Information to Combat Climate Change

There are numerous sources of information about climate change, climate action, and what we can do as individuals to fight against global warming. On this section of the website, I have compiled information to help spread awareness of climate change and suggest actions that can be taken to help address different problems.

Plastic bags on the sides of the road can end up in the stomachs of birds or other animals. Interested in not seeing this anymore?

Individual actions are not the only kind needed to fight against climate change. Find out what different communities and schools are doing.

Climate Change is present in a lot of events from past to present. Find out about different signs of change.

A lot of information is available about climate change. Learn more about specific areas, or organizations that are making a difference.

Climate Change

Climate change is an event that is occurring in which the Earth's surface is warming due to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. While there are other causes of the globe warming, none other than human action can account for the recent drastic changes. As humans continue with the improvement of industrialization, we put continuous amounts of CO2 and other emissions into the atmosphere.

Since we are the cause of climate change, we can also be the solution. Renewable energy, recycling/reusing, reducing fossil fuel burning and greenhouse gas emissions; all are ways that we can reduce our impact, and improve the state of our earth.

This page and corresponding sub-pages created by Jessica Lopes