Program Policies


To enroll in The Academy, schools must submit the application form. Fill out all the sections in the form and provide contact information for at least two teachers, one administrative staff and one facilities staff. Please specify lead teacher on the application. The form must be approved by the school principal. Contact for assistance with your application. Click here to fill out application.

Student Work:

Throughout the academic year from October to March, students complete various activities proposed in the guidebook. Monthly challenges must be submitted to Dream in Green’s Program Manager using the submission form available online. Complete submissions must include the form and documentation of the activity sent via email. DIG is not responsible for any materials lost, stolen or damaged. All work submitted will become property of Dream in Green.

Submission Deadlines:

Challenge submissions are encouraged to be turned in at the end of each month.  To receive full points, submissions are due at the end of each semester. Attending the teacher training, involving facilities staff, completion of the three pillars, completion of monthly challenges,  hosting an Eco-Summit event, completing the teacher survey and the School Environmental Goals Assessment are due by April 26, 2024. See Calendar of Events for more specific deadlines.

STEM Designation:

Public schools can earn points towards STEM designation from Miami-Dade County Public School District by participating in the Green Schools Challenge. A school must complete the following:

Social Media: 

What better way to promote the student's projects and achievements than by sharing pictures and videos with family, friends and Dream in Green's online community. 

Follow Dream in Green's social media profiles:

Tag our pages when you upload photos or videos and use at least one of the following hashtags. Make sure to add your school's name.

Official hashtags:

If school does not have a social media page, the Green Team can create one! Obtain approval from the principal as you are representing the school. Make sure to share your profile name with Dream in Green staff so we can follow you back. 

Schools Photo/Video Release Consent:

Dream in Green is proud of the work that Green Teams do and staff frequently share pictures and videos with the  community, media organizations and program sponsors. We also send monthly emails and update our website and social media profiles to showcase the work we receive from all participating schools. Once enrolled in The Dream in Green  Academy, schools agree to our unrestricted use of students and school staff’s work, including pictures and audio/visual recordings made of/by participants for events, website, social media, presentations, promotional materials, newsletters and any other publications. Dream in Green must be notified in writing of any exceptions.