
The Eco-Summit is an optional activity that gives students the opportunity to share the green initiatives they implemented during the year at a school-wide level.

Participation in the Eco-Summit helps students:

Eco-Summit Objectives:


The Eco-Summit should be held in April. Activities can include an opening and closing ceremony, a showcase of green exhibits or a series of panel discussions by local professionals based on any of the six core topics of the program.

Step 1: Planning

Take at least one to two weeks to plan the event. Below are some ideas to host a successful summit: 

· Table Exhibit: display projects, posters and pictures created by students. The table exhibit creates a space for interaction with  visitors.

· Art Exhibit: Display art projects. The artwork should educate students, school staff and other visitors about an environmental issue.

· Presentation: Prepare a presentation about what the Green Team accomplished during the school year. It could be a PowerPoint, video,  speech or poster exhibit.

· Eco-Fashion Show:  Create environmentally friendly fashion by re-purposing waste items and put on a fashion show at your school.

· Song/Dance/Poetry: Use song, dance or poetry to creatively communicate an environmental message. Encourage students to work together to create a skit or eco-performance.

Step 2: Invite the community

Invite the entire school body, parents, family members, neighbors and community leaders to attend. The purpose of the Eco-Summit is to spread the sustainability message to a larger audience. 

Step 3: Document the event

Post pictures and video on social media. Be sure to tag Dream in Green to share with us your event. Send us highlights on how many people attended, stand-out moments, and general feedback students received. Don't forget to invite DIG staff to attend event!