ERUSD Teacher Induction Program

One newly hired teacher had this to say about the El Rancho Unified School District Induction program...

"I feel the overall structure of the program was very practical and helpful in my development as a teacher. The process of identifying specific development activities, thinking through their potential impacts was very useful. But also the identifying of evidence of effectiveness was critical. In planning the activities I was forced to think "why do I believe this would benefit the students" and then post-activity being accountable for a critical assessment of the effectiveness of the activities provided structure and discipline that I may not have implemented on my own.

Also, observing other teachers was immensely important and I learned a great deal from those opportunities. Lastly, but probably most importantly, the hours spent working with my mentor teacher probably had the biggest impact on me than anything else in this process. She is a very knowledgeable teacher and consistently provided me with great "real-world" advice and valuable insights.

More importantly though, she has been very encouraging to me and through her own transparency made me realize that developing as an effective teacher will be a life-long endeavor and that I should continue to seek out ways to improve and to not be too hard on myself if I make some mistakes along the way as long as I improve from them."

We are always looking for EXCELLENT TEACHERS within the El Rancho Unified School District family.

If you are a credentialed teacher and are looking to work for a school district that loves students, families, and community then please consider applying at ERUSD.ORG>HUMAN RESOURCES>JOB OPPORTUNITIES


We are also always looking for MENTOR TEACHERS!

If you have over 3 years of teaching experience and work for the El Rancho Unified School District, then please consider applying to become a mentor teacher for the Teacher Support Programs! Click here to learn more!