Brazil 2014

Imagens retratam simulação de escolta de delegações para a Copa do Mundo da FIFA em Brasília. Cidade receberá sete jogos do Mundial de 2014.





Introduction 1

The role of Defense during the FIFA World Cup

Armed Forces points of action

Defense in host-cities

Preparation for the event

THE MINISTRY OF DEFENSE IN THE Legacy for the country


The 2014 FIFA World Cup is an event of spectacular proportions that mobilizes

state entities and sectors

The Ministry of Defense takes part by planning and executing the security actions

in an integrated effort with the Ministry of Justice and public federal and state

security bodies, under the coordination of the Chief of Staff of the Presidency

of the Republic

The coordinated action of these actors in partnership with the General Security

Management of the World Cup Organizing Committee entails actions of enormous

complexity that require planning, coordination and integration, apart from the

gradual incorporation of new practices and the use of advanced technologies

This Press Information Kit contains the main information about the Defense’s

participation in the 2014 FIFA World Cup security plan, explaining its role and

responsibilities, the Armed Forces’ points of action and answers to important

questions associated to the matter


The role of Defense duringthe FIFA World Cup

With challenges requiring continuous preparation and alignment, the 2014 FIFA

World Cup security matrix was conceived on the premise of integration among

the various participating entities

The planning and execution of the action involve a coordinated effort by the

Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice, supported by federal, state and

local public security entities

The document that consolidates this integration is the Strategic Plan for

Public Security and Defense for the Brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup, published in

February 2013

In the Ministry of Defense, the work is coordinated by the Armed Forces Joint

Staff (EMCFA), which helps coordinate and execute the actions taken by the

three Armed Forces on the front line: Navy, Army and Air Force

In order to secure the regular provision of services to the population and watch

for suspicious activities along borders and in air and sea space, the Armed Forces

shall focus on ten strategic points to contribute to the event’s security The

main activities of these areas of concern seek to utilize the Armed Forces’ operational

capacity when carrying out constitutional missions typical of Defense, such as

sea and river protection, cybernetic defense and air space control

This integrated action model was tested and approved in previous events, such

as the Confederations Cup and the World Youth Day It benefitted from past

experiences and added new items for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, such as the

participation of defense in escorts and safety of the Team Training Centers, apart

from using military air bases in the reception of aircrafts transporting delegations

and authorities taking part in the event

All told, nearly 57,000 military personnel from the Navy, the Army and the

Air Force have been mobilized to act in the Defense of host cities However,

part of the troops shall only work as a contingency force on a prompt-response

basis, if a security crisis peak leads the Presidency of the Republic to authorize

its use Nearly 21,000 of the Armed Forces personnel will be ready to act in these

situations .

Armed Forces points of action

The 2014 FIFA World Cup security encompasses action in two vectors that are

integrated and complement one another: defense proper, under the responsibility

of the Ministry of Defense, via Armed Forces, and public security, under the

responsibility of the entities in charge of this department Both work in conjunction

with the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), which is in charge of providing

permanent risk assessments

Each of these entities has an established role and acts in tandem with the others

In the case of Defense, the Armed Forces Joint Staff (EMCFA) is responsible for

coordinating the action of the Navy, the Army and the Air Force in ten strategic


Here are the points of actions of the Armed Forces during the FIFA World Cup:

Aerospace Defense and Air

Space Control

In order to ensure traf f ic flow and air

space safety, the Air Force Command will

conduct special control efforts during

the World Cup

The plan includes the creation of three

air exclusion zones at the sites of the matches: a “white area”, which is reserved;

a “yellow area”, which is restricted; and a “red area”, which is forbidden The

period when these exclusion areas will be active will depend on the times of the


For the opening and closing games, the zones will be active 3 hours before and

4 hours after the game For matches of the first phase of the tournament, the

restriction time shall be 1 hour before and up to three hours after the beginning

In the other phases, 1 hour before and up to 4 hours after the end

The purpose is to minimize the impact resulting from balance fluctuation between

capacity and demand, thus ensuring the safety of the operations, as well as the

regularity and punctuality of flights .


Protection of strategic


The Armed Forces will protect any and all

strategic structures related to the FIFA

World Cup The purpose is to ensure the

integrity of facilities and services the interruption

of which would cause serious

impact to the organization of these events

Some examples are electrical power and water supply substations, telecommunications

and airport towers Oil platforms and terminals shall also be guarded

Risk assessments shall determine essential structures that shall have reinforced

security in order to ensure their operations

Sea and river defense

Naval patrol and inspection are some of

the safety actions that will be taken by

the Brazilian Navy against threats from

t he se a a n d i m p r o p e r u se o f r i ve r

waterways, such as the circulation of

suspicious vessels

Combat divers and marines will be ready to act when necessary in recovery and

rescue actions focused on the deactivation of explosives and in maritime interdiction

operations Oil platforms and terminals shall also be guarded

Border cooperation

Armed Forces personnel will support the

action of Federal Police agents in the

protection of the 16,800 km of Brazilian

land borders with ten South American


In order to protect the FIFA World Cup activities, a new edition of the Agatha

Operation will be conducted, focused on fighting unlawful cross-border actions

such as drug traf f icking, smuggling, weapon and ammunition traf f icking,

environmental crimes and illegal immigration The operation includes road-blocking

actions in strategic points along the entire border

Explosive inspection

In order to prevent the theft and

deviation of explosives, mostly used in

attacks on banks and ATMs, the Brazilian

Army has begun operations to enhance

the inspection of the trade of this sort

of material

Nearly 300 military organizations will closely inspect authorized companies,

warehouses and points of sale to reinforce the inspections that take place on a

regular basis The inspection actions shall be taken throughout Brazilian territory,

in sites that show traces of irregular or unlawful activities involving explosives

Cybernetic security and defense

Under the command of the Army, the Cybernetic

Defense Center will take preventive

or repressive actions against threats

endangering the security of systems supporting

Brazilian strategic structures involved

in the FIFA World Cup activities

Such monitoring will not encompass IT and communications systems in private

organizations, but will be focused solely on protection against network security

incidents that may directly affect the course of the competition

Chemical, Biological,

Radiological and Nuclear


C hemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear

Defense will inspect and scan every site

direc tly involve d in FIFA World Cup

activities Such action includes stadiums,

training centers, hotels, airports, airbase and official delegation convoys

The operation will make sure that there is no suspicious material endangering

the lives of citizens The military have been provided with special equipment

and are enabled to perform decontamination actions to eliminate noxious agents

detrimental to health

Prevention of and Fight against Terrorism

Experts of the three Armed Forces – Navy,

Army and Air Force – will act jointly in

the fight against terrorism, according to

incident plans especially prepared for

the FIFA World Cup

The military are capable of dealing with extreme situations and shall act in

delicate activities such as the deactivation of bombs and chemical and radioactive

devices Such action includes cooperation with agents of entities with operational

capacity and legal authority to act in these situations, including the Federal

Police, the Civil Police and the Military Police

Use of helicopters

The Armed Forces shall use helicopters

in airspace defense operations, support

to land missions and actions against

terrorism They will also act in the patrol

of places of concern by means of sensors

and “eagle eye” cameras In specif ic

situations, helicopters may also be used to support the movement of troops

Contingency force

Apart from supporting the FIFA World

Cup security matrix, the Armed Forces

will be ready to ac t in sp e cif ic crisis

situations, in coordination with public

security entities and civil defense

In the event the State Governor requests and the Presidency of the Republic

authorizes such emergency actions by the troops, these military personnel shall

act with the purpose of ensuring public order, the operation of essential services

and the exercise of established powers

In case such specif ic cooperation is needed, the Armed Forces shall keep

approximately 21,000 men trained and ready for action

The troops may act either with the purpose of reinforcing the safety plan provided

by these public safety entities or assume operational control in situations that

warrant such action

Defense in host-cities

In order to structure their action at a local level, the Ministry of Defense has

created an Area Defense Coordination Center (CCDA) in each of the 12 FIFA

World Cup host cities Apart from military personnel from the Armed Forces,

the CCDA is composed of representatives of public security, intelligence, civil

defense and private security entities

This will be done under the general coordination of the Armed Forces Joint Staff

(EMCFA), which shall maintain a Permanent Operation Center at the Ministry of

Defense in Brasília These centers will be responsible for carrying out the plans

devised for the Defense actions

However, the CCDAs will not work alone According to the FIFA World Cup security

program, the general command of actions in each State shall be carried out

by a Regional Integrated Security Executive Committee (Cesir), composed

of the General in charge of the CCDA, a representative for the Ministry of

Justice (the superintendent of the Federal Police within the State) and the

Public Security secretary

This “triumvirate” shall be responsible for ensuring that the work by different

sectors of public authorities in the security field is always done in an integrated

fashion during FIFA World Cup activities

On a national level, the strategic instance for guidance and integration of the

security actions will be the Integrated Securit y Executive Committee (Cesi),

composed of the Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Republic and by the

Ministries of Justice and Defense, with permanent assistance from the Institutional

Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic (GSIPR)

Apart from the 12 cities that will host matches during the competition, Armed

Forces personnel will also be mobilized in the state capitals Vitória (ES), Aracaju

(SE) and Maceió (AL), which shall also receive delegations of players

See the sites where the Armed Forces will be present during the FIFA World

Cup in the map below.




Almirante Luiz Henrique CAROLI






General Ubiratan POTY



General Carlos Cesar ARAÚJO LIMA



Almirante Marcos Nunes de MIRANDA



General João Carlos de JESUS CORRÊA



General José Carlos Braga de AVELLAR



General RACINE Bezerra Lima Filho



General Mario Lucio Alves de ARAUJO



General Luiz Eduardo RAMOS



General CARLOS dos Santos SARDINHA



Brigadeiro ROBERTO Carvalho



General Manoel Luiz Narvaz PAFIADACHE

* Apart from the 12 cities that will host matches during the competition, Armed Forces

personnel will also be mobilized in the state capitals Vitória (ES), Aracaju (SE) and Maceió (AL), which shall also receive delegations of players













Apart from the military apparatus, each CCDA will be equipped with the following systems: • Military communications by satellite • Operational Defense Network• Videoconferencing System• Trunked Radio System• Incident (pacifying) system

Preparation for the event

The Brazilian Armed Forces have been preparing for at least four years to act in

the 2014 FIFA World Cup security plan, a constant training process that also tries to follow what is done in other parts of the world

Brazilian military observers were also sent to the 2012 Olympic Games in London

and to the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa for the purpose of observing up

close what was prepared for the security of these events and use this experience

to optimize the efforts within Brazilian territory

Prior experience in large events, all of them successful, has also contributed to

the preparation of the military in Brazil Such is the case of the Pan-American

games (2007), the Military World Games (2011) and the Rio+20 World Conference

(2012), in which the Ministry of Defense was responsible for coordinating all the

security efforts

Another reference basis for the preparation of the 2014 FIFA World Cup was the

security plan carried out for the FIFA 2013 Confederations Cup

During the competition, 19,400 men from the Armed Forces (Navy, Army and

Air Force) were mobilized in six of the event’s host-cities, apart from 1,120 men

in specialized troops and 400 military personnel from command and control

The action model, which involved work in tandem with federal, state and local

public security entities, was positively evaluated by international technicians,

organizers and observers The executed plan ensured that the event took place

without any incident posing any threat to the competition

Legacy for the country

The efforts of the Armed Forces are focused mostly on providing support for

the safety of FIFA World Cup activities and shall also leave an important legacy

with regards to the country’s protection

In order to ensure the execution of the Defense plan, the Federal Government

has invested BRL 709 million since 2012 in the modernization and preparation

of the military apparatus at the disposal of the Navy, the Army and the Air Force

Part of these funds was applied in the purchase of new equipment and technologies

that shall be left as a legacy to the Armed Forces for utilization in the security

of new events and to meet the defense requirements of Brazil

For instance, the purchases included equipment and infrastructure for cybernetic

defense and operation centers; chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological

defense kits; terrorism-fighting modules and general use material for troops,

among others

Furthermore, existing equipment sets and vehicles have under gone maintenance and improvement

Part of the investments was also targeted at capacity building of the military

personnel, especially in logistics and operational integration

Another important legacy concerns the joint action of the different state sectors involved Though less visible to the public, the integrated work between the Armed Forces and other federal, state and local authorities is noted as one of the main advances in the security of large events held in Brazil


The Brazilian Armed Forces have an active participation in the 2014 FIFA World

Cup activities through the planning and execution of the security actions, in an

integrated effort with the Ministry of Justice and federal, state and local public

security entities

Here are some of the questions and answers that help understand the role of the Ministry of Defense in the event’s security.

What entities are in charge of security in the FIFA World Cup?

FIFA World Cup security involves the participation of different State bodies that

shall act in an integrated fashion in two action vectors: defense proper, under

the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense, by means of the Armed Forces; and

public security and civil defense, under the responsibility of federal, state and

local entities in charge of this department, under the coordination of the Ministry

of Justice There is also the assistance provided by the Brazilian Intelligence

Agency (Abin), which conducts permanent risk assessments for the various

activities scheduled for the FIFA World Cup

What is the role of the Armed Forces in FIFA World Cup security?

The Navy, the Army and the Air Force will act in ten predetermined points of

action in the FIFA World Cup security scheme under the coordination of the

Armed Forces Joint Staff (EMCFA)

The following actions are the sole responsibility of the Armed Forces:

1. Command and Control;

2. Aerospace Defense and Air Space Control;

3. Defense of Sea and River Areas;

4. Defense of Strategic Structures;

5. Strategic and Operational Intelligence Actions;

6. Prevention of and Fight against Terrorism;

7. Contingency Force;

8. Explosive Inspection;

9. Cybernetic Security and Defense;

10. Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense.

Apart from that, the Armed Forces will take part is several escorting and civil

defense actions

What will not be the role of Defense in the FIFA World Cup?

The typical public security actions will be coordinated by the Ministry of Justice

(MJ) The Extraordinary Security Secretariat for Large Events (Sesge) of the MJ is

responsible for conducting the actions involving public security entities on federal,

state and local levels

The intelligence field is under the responsibility of the Brazilian Intelligence

Agency (Abin) Private security is the duty of FIFA’s Local Organizing Committee,

both of delegations and inside the stadiums

The Navy, the Army and the Air Force will work in close cooperation with the

other public entities involved in the FIFA World Cup security scheme under the

coordination of the Armed Forces Joint Staff (EMCFA)

What contingent will be used by the Armed Forces in the

FIFA World Cup?

The distribution of personnel in the 12 host-cities, as well as in those that will

receive delegations, will consider the characteristics and operational requirements

of each place

Nearly 57,000 military personnel from the three Armed Forces have been mobilized

to act in predetermined points in the FIFA World Cup security scheme All of

them have received specific training for the actions during the FIFA World Cup

What is the purpose of the contingency forces?

Nearly 21,000 military personnel from the three Armed Forces will be ready

to act in prompt response if called to do so during the FIFA World Cup The

personnel will be used only in situations in which the operating capacity of

the public security entities has been exhausted, at the request of the state

government and with the authorization of the Presidency of the Republic

The contingenc y forces have received special training to ac t in ex treme

situations of social disorder and may act either for the purpose of reinforcing

the safety plan provided by these entities or to assume the operating control

in situations that warrant such action

What is the main focus of attention of the Armed Forces in

the prevention of and fight against terrorism?

Each host-city shall have a group specializing in Chemical, Biological, Nuclear

and Radiological Defense and responses against terrorism Military personnel

from the Armed Forces and public security agents shall act in a coordinated

fashion in order to deal with extreme situations, such as the deactivation of

bombs and prompt response to chemical and radioactive devices

Have the Armed Forces used any international model in

their preparation for the FIFA World Cup?

The Armed Forces are undergoing constant training, seeking to learn from

successful experiences in other parts of the world Brazilian military observers

were sent to the 2012 Olympic Games in London and the 2010 FIFA World Cup

in South Africa

Furthermore, the Armed Forces have had positive experiences in the security

scheme for large events held in Brazil Such is the case of the Pan-American

Games in 2007; the Military World Games in 2011; The United Nations Conference

for sustainable development (Rio+20) in 2012; the visit of Pope Francis during

the World Youth Day in 2013; and the FIFA Confederations Cup, also last year

What are the key points involved in infrastructure

security in Brazil?

The Ministry of Defense is in charge of safeguarding the essential strategic

structures for the organization of the FIFA World Cup The Armed Forces’ mission

is to ensure the physical integrity and operation of facilities and services such

as telecommunications, oil, electrical power, water supply and public transportation

Based on risk assessments conducted by Abin, critical structures may be occupied

by the military so that their operation is ensured

It should be noted that any operation in facilities considered as strategic structures

will still be the responsibility of the concessionaire entity in charge

What is the role of the Armed Forces in cybernetic defense?

The Cybernetic Defense Center (CDCiber) shall monitor hacking activities under

the command of the Army in order to detect possible threats that may endanger

structures controlled by digital systems, IT systems and the State’s institutional

communications CDCiber does not do this work in private companies, it acts

solely in the defense against “invaders” that may potentially cause damage to

the FIFA World Cup activities

What are the plans for aerospace defense and

air space control?

The Brazilian Aerospace Defense Command (Comdabra), an entity associated to

the Ministry of Defense via Air Force Command, is responsible for planning and

coordinating the use of the detection and interception means required for the

defense of the Brazilian aerospace during the FIFA World Cup activities

The air space control actions will seek to organize the management of traffic

flow, use of space and other activities concerning aerial navigation The purpose

is to minimize the impact resulting from balance fluctuation between capacity

and demand, in order to ensure the safety of the air operations, as well as the

regularity and punctuality of flights

Similarly to what was done in previous events, like Rio+20 in 2012 and the

Confederations Cup and the World Youth Day in 2013, a plan will be adopted in

the 2014 FIFA World Cup based on the creation of exclusion areas, in order to

maintain air traffic safety and organize the flow of aircrafts

The plan, which also involves the Civil Aviation Secretariat, (SAC), the Air Space

Control Department (Decea) and the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC),

provides for the creation of three exclusion zones for the FIFA World Cup: a “white

area”, which is reserved; a “yellow area”, which is restricted; and a “red area”,

which is forbidden These areas will be demarcated based on the locations of

the stadiums, as explained by the Practical Reference Guide on changes in Air

Space, published by Decea

The reserved area (white), which encompasses the terminal of the host city, will

be open to aircrafts with a flight plan and transponder code on, i e , all the identified

planes The restricted (yellow) area, while active, will be closed to general aviation

aircraft and taxi planes The forbidden area (red) will only be opened to security

and image-capturing aircrafts previously authorized by Comdabra

The active periods of these exclusion areas will depend on the times of the

matches For the opening and closing, the zones will be active 3 hours before

and 4 hours after the game For matches of the first phase of the tournament,

the restriction time shall be 1 hour before and up to three hours after the beginning

In the other phases, 1 hour before and up to 4 hours after the end

Fighter planes, helicopters, radar planes and tanker aircrafts of the Air Force shall

fly while the exclusion area is active in order to secure site defense

How will the Armed Forces act in the defense

of sea and river areas?

The Navy is responsible for activities concerning sea and river defense actions,

which encompass naval patrol and inspection activities, among others The plan

is focused on the intensification of the safety actions against threats from the

sea and improper use of river waterways

Sea and river traffic control will be enhanced in order to protect people at sea

and on inland waters, and also to prevent water pollution

The defense of sea area will be accomplished by means of ships and aircrafts of

the Squads and Commands of the Naval Districts Twenty ships and 60 small

vessels have been assigned to act specifically during the FIFA World Cup activities

What is the budget for Defense?

The Defense budget for all the FIFA World Cup official events is BRL 709 million,

including investment and funding requirements for preparation, training and

operation of military troops in these two events

Such funds have been generated since 2012 Last year, BRL 480 million was

provided Most of the investment is being applied towards the purchase of

equipment and training

Has the Ministry of Defense acquired security equipment?

What equipment?

The Armed Forces are using the existing resources and working to complement

their operating capacity to act in ten points of defense under its responsibility

during the FIFA World Cup

The main purchases made are intended to modernize the military organizations

that will take part in the security of the event The purchases include equipment

and infrastructure for cybernetic defense and operation centers; chemical,

biological, nuclear and radiological defense kits; terrorism-fighting modules;

disturbance control equipment and general use material for troops

Furthermore, the existing equipment and vehicles have undergone maintenance

in order to be ready for use during the FIFA World Cup

Will Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) be used during

the FIFA World Cup?

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) will make use of UAV The use of these aircrafts is part

of the air space surveillance plan established by the Ministry of Defense

Will foreign agents be allowed to take part

in security operations?

Any large event includes intense information exchange among international

security entities and bodies, especially concerning intelligence activities

The Federal Police and Abin will act in partnership with Interpol and other

intelligence departments of partner countries during the FIFA World Cup Abin

shall coordinate the actions within the scope of the Brazilian Intelligent System,

which the Armed Forces are a part of – acting in the military intelligence field

Does the action plan under the responsibility of the

Ministry of Defense comply with what has been established

by FIFA?

Yes All the security activities in the field of defense comply with the guarantees

agreed between the Brazilian Government and FIFA It is important to note

that the planning of this action is integrated into a larger security matrix, guided

by a Public Security and Defense Strategic Plan A joint effort of agents was

sought for the purpose of intensifying the cooperation between the Armed

Forces and several federal, state and local entities in actions among agencies,

as well as private security under the responsibility of FIFA

Statements by authorities

Celso Amorim

Minister of Defense

“We work under the coordination of the Presidency´s Chief of Staff, in

an agreement with the Ministry of Justice and also of course, with state

public security secretariats”.

“We take care of each aspect of our actions and try to reinforce our

procedures even further. There will be a large number of mobilized

military who will act in typical Armed Forces tasks, such as naval patrol

and inspection, cybernetic defense and air space control”.

“We hope there are no incidents during FIFA World Cup activities, but

we have taken precautions and have prepared to do our part. The

integration between Defense and the Ministry of Justice is one of the

pillars of this plan”.

General José Carlos De Nardi

Chief of the Armed Forces Joint Staff

“The FIFA World Cup security plan follows an integrated management

model with responsibilities clearly defined for the vectors of defense

and public security in activities that are integrated and complement

one another”.

“We will work not only in the 12 host-cities, but also in places that will

host the Team Training Centers. Even though there will be no FIFA World

Cup games in these towns, security has become important to them, as

they are places where the delegations will be lodged”.



General Jamil Megid

Special assistant for Large Events of the Armed Forces

Joint Staff (EMCFA)

“We are ready to provide security to foreign tourists, soccer delegations

and Chiefs of Staff who will be present at the FIFA World Cup. There is

close cooperation between state entities seeking to ensure a safe and

peaceful environment for the event activities”.

“Among the duties assigned to Defense is a special focus on three fields:

defense of strategic structures, contingency forces and prevention of

and fight against terrorism. We are deploying 12 regional commands

that will act in the host cities and Team Training Centers, all of them in

contact with the Permanent Operation Center of the Ministry of Defense

in Brasília”.

Press service

Press professionals may address inquiries about the participation of Defense in

the 2014 FIFA World Cup security plan through the following channels:

Ministry of Defense Social Communication Agency – Press



Roberto Cordeiro

roberto cordeiro@defesa gov br

Tel : (61) 3312-4356

César Arrais

cesar arrais@defesa gov br

Tel : (61) 3312-4305

Brazilian Navy Social Communication Center (CCSM)


Daniel Ribeiro Vasconcelos

Capitão-de-Fragata (FN)

daniel@ccsm mar mil br

Tel : (61) 3429-1026

Brazilian Army Social Communication Center (CComSEx)


Amauri Silvestre


silvestre@ccomsex eb mil br

Tel : (61) 3415-5303

Air Force Social Communication Center (CComSAer)


Max Luiz da Silva Barreto

Coronel aviador

maxmlsb@cecomsaer aer mil br

max@fab mil br

Tel : (61) 3966-9660, 3966-9636 e 9658-5304

Security set-up for the World Cup will use 157 thousand agents

Officers from the armed forces and law enforcement agents will work together. Investments made reach R$ 1.9 billion

The two ministers were unanimous in pointing out that the integration between the country's security agencies will be the main legacy from the preparation work done. “We’re certain that all the structure related effort will pay off, not only in a historic performance in public security terms for the World Cup, but also as a legacy for the country, as for the first time, we'll have the opportunity to engage in wide reaching integration", stated Cardozo.), the Ministers of Defence Celso Amorim and of Justice José Eduardo Cardozo provided details of the security operational plan for the World Cup in a press conference. In total, 157 thousand agents from the armed forces and law enforcement agencies will work in an integrated manner in command and control centres in the 12 host cities.

The Minister of Justice also provided details of equipment that is being procured and transferred to states, like the regional command and control centres, elevated observation decks, aerial imaging devices, mobile command units, among others. “Each World Cup host city will have a command and control centre with cutting edge equipment and systems so that everything may be followed up fully and in real time.

The armed forces are acting in ten areas, including air space control, as well as maritime and cyber defence, in addition to explosive related inspections. A national command centre will be used, in addition to 12 Air Defence Coordination Offices. Twenty-four supertucano airplanes will be used, as well as ten F5s, three radar planes, eleven helicopters and twenty-nine operational and logistic support aircrafts.

Furthermore, four frigates, a corvette, twenty-one patrol boats, twelve landing craft and 183 speed boats will be used. In total, 57 thousand armed forces personnel will be deployed, 35 thousand from the army, 13 thousand from the navy and 9 thousand from the air force. Another 100 thousand law enforcement agents will also be deployed, including federal, state and municipal police officers.


Cardozo stated that the security forces are ready to deal with anything and recalled that during the Confederations Cup, despite protests, no match was affected. He also stated that people have a right to protest democratically, as long as there are no violations.

Celso Amorim pointed out that using the armed forces in security related actions in the event does not damage the country’s image abroad, which is one of a democracy with freedom of expression. “Our idea is to provide security for the World Cup and thus, will take place in a very calm manner. Using the armed forces is supposed to be a deterrent, as the best battle is the one that does not need to be fought", he concluded.

Experience in big events

The country’s large experiencing in playing host to authorities was praised by the Minister of Defence, like the Rio +20 Conference, which had the attendance of approximately 100 heads of state. “The armed forces and law enforcement agencies will work at hotels and similar venues. The air force will be involved in the arrival of authorities, as when possible this will take place in air bases, with the full protection of the Brazilian Air Force. And even if they arrive in civilian airports, security will be ensured in coordination with the other agencies", he added.

Crime reduction

For the ministers, the R$ 1.9 billion invested in security for the World Cup will also have positive impacts in the reduction of crime. Cardozo stated that police action will improve as a result of integration, at the level of prevention and law enforcement itself. Another positive point will be the procurement of equipment. For instance, Celso Amorim mentioned the involved of the armed forces in the Ágata operation, which seized drugs.