Educational Philosophy

Relationship Philosophy and Strengths Based Teaching

Strengths Based Teaching

I believe as teachers we need to focus on our students’ strengths. We are the ones they look to for reassurance that they are smart and capable. Supporting our students through a strengths based perspective not only builds relationships, but i believe it is detrimental to our student’s success.

Narriative Approach to Teaching and Building Relationships

Children are constantly writing their own nariative about themselves based on what the world around them is telling them. It is so crutial, in my opinion, for teachers not to influence a child's identity negatively. For example: If a teacher tells a child they will never be good at math, that child may always feel that they are bad at math for the duration of their life based on what one thing a teacher said to them. As a teacher i want to suppor chidlren to construct a narriateive about themselves into one that says. "I am capable!" "I am Important" and "I am Smart".

Click on the photo for a resource that describes what strengths based perspective should look like

Click on the photo for an amazing resource that outlines the Narrative Approach