Work in progress

The comparative political economy of institutional homeownership (with Dustin Voss)

Economic growth, greenhouse gas emissions, and voting behavior: Any evidence of political decoupling? (presented at the CES Conference 2023), available at SocArXiv, doi:10.31235/

The local politics of social investment under fiscal constraints: The case of childcare expansion in Germany (with Björn Bremer; presented at the CES Conference 2023), available at SocArXiv, 

Export-led growth and the preferences of left voters (with Lucio Baccaro; presented at the CES Conference 2021).

Better off vs. Left Behind? Patterns of Support for Euro Membership and Exit in Italy and Germany (with Lucio Baccaro and Björn Bremer; presented at the virtual workshop “The Causes and Modes of European Disintegration”, Utrecht University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 28 June 2021).