The ERG has developed a series of products focusing on immunisation equity. The February 2020 “Perspectives” piece in the Bulletin of the World Health Organisation presents arguments for why increasing equity in immunisation coverage is an important precursor to universal health coverage, and provides a set of recommendations set forth by the Equity Reference Group for Immunisation.

In addition, the ERG has created a series of discussion papers to explore the landscape of inequity in immunization coverage. The papers examine commonly used metrics, available data and guidance, and promising programmatic approaches (from both within and outside of health) to reduce inequity, particularly relating to the thematic priorities of work: urban poor areas, remote/rural areas, children affected by conflict, and gender-related inequities and barriers to immunization.

The papers provide actionable recommendations, focused on community-level change agents, to tackle the key drivers of inequity and improve the immunization of vulnerable and underserved populations.

Two page summaries of the discussion papers are included below when available.

New ERG Products

ERG Consensus Statement on the Costing of Immunization and Primary Health care Services_August 2021.pdf

Consensus Statement on the Economics of Reaching Zero-Dose Communities with Immunization and Primary Health Care

August 2021

This consensus statement by the ERG highlights the importance of gathering quality evidence on the costs associated with providing and scaling immunization and primary health care, particularly in the most disadvantaged communities with large numbers of ‘zero-dose’ children. The ERG emphasizes that reaching these communities with the services they need will require substantial investments in primary health care, and particularly investments in the health work force.

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