CHORUS research team

Joris Heyman, Principal Investigator

Researcher at CNRS, Géosciences Rennes, France.

Joris Heyman obtained his PhD in EPFL (Switzerland) in 2014, studying sediment transport in mountain rivers by experimental and theoretical analysis based on probabilistic models. He then  moved to Institut de Physique de Rennes to study the rheology of gravity-driven flows, as granular avalanches. Since 2018, he is a full-time researcher at CNRS in the Geosciences laboratory of the University of Rennes. His research focuses on transport and mixing processes by fluid flow in porous media. His team has recently uncovered the importance played by chaotic mixing dynamics in these confined environment, discovery that largely motivates the CHORUS project.

Prof Tanguy Le Borgne, Hydrologist at CNAP

Prof Philippe Davy,

Physicist at CNRS

Prof Khalil Anna,

Chemist at ENSCR

Francesco Gomez,

Ingénieur en conception mécanique

Marc Lamblin, Ingénieur Laser et Optronique

We are currently looking for talented Masters, PhD and PostDocs students to join the CHORUS team, apply !

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