Act studio
Eratosthenes experiment by the students from Pastida (Greece)
Projecto Eratostenes (Palmela-Portugal)
The older students from Escola Sec. de Palmela , in Portugal, made a video about Eratosthenes experiment (in Portuguese :))
Ilion - Aigio Greece2021
We have an imaginary interview with Eratosthenes. (1st Junior High School of Aigio and 11th Junior High School of Ilion )
Messinia GREECE
Game of Shadow Messinia GREECE
Give a title for each shadow (check the correct answer in the slide show below)
Light and shadow theater in Pylos (2018)
Aigio 2019 - Project process
Students from our team created videos presenting the project process in Aigio (tasks). We used pictures taken by our team during 2019 in Aigio and the music is public domain.
2019 - 1st High School of Aigio - Project Tasks video
We used the open source kdenlive (video processing program) in ubuntu operating system (see picture).
Aigio 2019 - Countries in Eratosthenes 2019 project
Aigio team created video using the audio file that their classmates had produced.
The videos contain the flags of the most active countries in the project.
We used the Openshot video processing program in Ubuntu operating system.