

Full name: Marianne Mantel
Works @ Library University of Amsterdam as team leader Campus Services at the P.C.Hoofthuis.
Experience: has worked in university libraries in Nijmegen and Leiden as well.
Education: Library studies.
Personal: lives in Amsterdam, loves books, movies, theatre, walking, cycling. Visits the Wadden
islands at least once a year.
Contact details


Matthijs de Zwaan works at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit as the coordinator of the Research Intelligence team.
Has a background in quantitative research in economics.
My personal life is largely taken up by the whims of two young daughters. In the few spare hours I
enjoy running, swimming, and cooking.
Contact details


Laura Voordewind works at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit as community manager for project Re:Book, a project that focuses on physical books as the basis for social activities, events and even decorations. Background: NGO sector.I live in the north of Amsterdam with my husband and two kids. In my free time I like camping with my family and urban faming in my tiny garden.Contact details
Alice Doek


Alice Doek works for the department of Education and Research Support @ Library of UvA/AUAS. Focus points: reading list services in Canvas, information literacy, digital skills.  Education: library academy, Dutch studies, theology. Personal: lives in Utrecht, loves cycling and walking.Contact details
Lena Karvovskaya


Lena Karvovskaya
Works at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit as community manager for Research Data Management and Open ScienceA middle person between the university library and the broader community of researchers and support at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; representing the best interests of each to the other!
Background in theoretical linguistics.
Personal: lives in Delft with husband and two kids. Enjoys spending time outdoors, cycling, hiking, walking and climbing.
Contact detailsOn Twitter as @LangData


Meliantha LelieveldWorks at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as coordinator of the libraries at the Amstelcampus. 
Once upon a time I studied archaeology, but that's buried in the past. Nowadays I focus on helping our students find their books, connect to our wifi and use our online sources and making sure there are colleagues at all our servicepoints doing the same. 
Personal: during weekends you can find me at the ruins of Teylingen Castle or one of the wonderful musea somewhere in the Netherlands. Drives a motorcycle or takes the train. Rarely cycles or runs. Contact details