

The Finnish work of art in France

The former bus stop in La Queue les Yvelines was revamped by the Finnish team who decided to modernize it by combining the world of advertising with bright colours.

The space was cleaned and painted in white by the French pupils who then added the stickers the Finnish team had sent them.

The idea of the work of art is to show the passers-by words written in different languages, languages that they are not familiar with. You can easily picture them wondering what the words mean and imagining that they must mean something… well that is exactly what they mean : SOMETHING, in English and in each of the languages of the partner countries, that is to say in Finnish, in French, in German, in Greek and in Italian.

Therefore, the work of art shows the differences between the different languages and gets you to picture the difficulties one can meet when confronted to learning another language. Its goal is to motivate people to open up to and better understand one another.

Finally, the Finnish team decided to integrate the word “something” inside logos in order to catch the viewers’ attention with familiar shapes. As the logos are easily recognisable, they hope that the passers-by will become aware of the international impact of brands.

Work in progress