Art and space in the city

an erasmus+ project

''Art and Space in the City'' is a two-year interdisciplinary European Erasmus+ project based on Arts, Maths and Languages.

Students and teachers from five schools in Finland, France, Germany, Greece and Italy get together to create collaborative artworks to be installed in partner countries.

Our project focuses on space (architectural, public, urban, natural...) in the creative process. The venues and spaces are here at the origin of the creation and therefore an integral part of the artwork.

Public art is linked to civic engagement, it therefore has a part to play in the development of our European cities and the fulfillment of its citizens since working with the community encourages civic identity and a feeling of ownership and recognition.

This is why we want the question of urban space to be at the core of our project, not only to ornament or rejuvenate our towns, but to change both our group's and the townspeople's perception of their surroundings, and to make them realize how they can interact with and alter them.

Stages of the project

  • Autumn 2016 - Winter 2017

In the first stage of the project, each partner country chooses possible exhibition or installation spaces in their town, and presents them to the group. These spaces can be public or private, indoors or in the open, urban or natural, and each come with their own material, legal, environmental… constraints.

Partner countries are then paired : Finland will create an artwork to be installed in France, France will create an artwork to be installed in Italy, Italy will create an artwork to be installed in Greece, Greece will create an artwork to be installed in Germany, and Germany will create an artwork to be installed in Finland.

  • Spring 2017

Then, each partner country proposes three to six projects of artworks which could be installed in the offered spaces. The ''receiving country'' (in which the artwork will be installed) selects the project or projects they want to see in their town.

  • Autumn 2017 - Winter 2018

The next stage sees the actual creation of the artwork. The paired countries work together, to make sure the artwork fits the space in which it will be installed, and reflects the intentions and artistic vision both of those who designed it and of those who install it.

  • Spring 2018

The five works of art will be installed in our five towns.

  • 9th May 2018

Finally, an exhibition will be set up in each country to present to the public photos and videos of the five in situ artworks in our five countries.

Partners websites

Each team has a website. Click on the flags to follow us !