

A pedagogical mindset that avoids the control based function of grades that attempts to measure and quantify students' cognitive production. Instead, it emphasizes the learning process as students grow and take risks in their learning. - David Buck

Click image to view his presentation.

How to Ungrade, from Jesse Stommel

Jesse Stommel is an icon in #ungrading. Follow him on Twitter @Jessifer or read an Urgency of Teachers: Critical Digital Pedagogy .


Educators and students alike have found themselves more and more flummoxed by a system that values assessment over engagement, learning management over discovery, content over community, outcomes over epiphanies.

Sample Ungrading Course Website (Ethnic Studies)

from Fabiola Torres, GCCC - lots of examples to adopt! Take a look around...

redemption and revision - redo

Some #ungraders have systems around redos and retakes. For example, a student retaking an exam might have different exam questions. Or they only retake the parts where they were struggling ... this requires alignment of objectives with the assessment.

The example below from Fabiola Torres' Ethnic Studies class is a required write up, and is added along with the assignment resubmission. The student reflection is a key point of the revision process. It also clarifies what the student has learned and how they have grown!

Example of the DO-Process Write Up

The Declaration Quiz - what grade I deserve and why

  1. Incorporates self-reflection as a key to ungrading and gives professor insight into growth and progress.

  2. Can be a "graded" quiz in Canvas with T/F questions (T is correct answer) where students assess different aspects of their work... or they could put in a number like met, emerging, did not meet yet.

  3. Can add an essay question for self analysis which professor can score.

Sample Self-Assessments from Students

Samples for students requesting an A, B, or C

Copy of Final Self Assessment Sample A
Copy of Final Self Assessment B
Student Self Assessment - Request To Pass