Learning Theorists

“As a classroom community, our capacity to generate excitement is deeply affected by our interest in one another, in hearing one another’s voices, in recognizing one another’s presence.”

bell hooks, Teaching To Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom


While "caring about" conveys feelings of concern for one's state of being, "caring for" is active engagement in doing something to positively affect it. - Geneva Gay


Affection is the physical expression. As humans, we crave affection. - bell hooks

Recognition (Validation)

It is essential to recognize the human existence of our students through legitimizing the unequal conditions and traumas students face and experience in school. - Louie F. Rodriguez


Respecting students means to respect their growth and knowledge. Validate students as valuable scholars while fostering academic development. - Susan Muñoz and Laura Rendon


Go beyond compliance. Make a learning pact. - Michelle Pacansky-Brock


It becomes imperative to understand how to build trust between student and teacher that signal to the brain of the student a sense of physical, psychological, and social safety so that learning is possible. - Zaretta Hammond

“As a nation, we need to gather our collective courage and face that our society’s lovelessness is a wound. As we allow ourselves to acknowledge the pain of this wound when it pierces our flesh and we feel in the depths of our soul a profound anguish of spirit, we come face to face with the possibility of conversion, of having a change of heart. In this way, recognition of the wound is a blessing because we are able to tend it, to care for the soul in ways that make us ready to receive the love that is promised.”

bell hooks, All About Love