Building a Horse:

A Foundational Horsemanship Journal

Updates as Sky, my young horse, begins her education and we learn from each other.

Sky is a Irish Sport Horse. Her father is a Irish Draft and her mother an Appaloosa/Arab cross. I was lucky to find her as she was a home-bred family foal who was nicely handled and much loved as a baby. She had a stress-free life, had horse company, and trusted humans. I bought her as a rising 3 year -old and brought her up from Gloucestershire to live in the Peak District. She is the first youngster that I have started, so I wanted to document the process for myself and also in the hope that this might be helpful to others. I am excited to have the opportunity to put everything into practice that I've learned and to lay down those neural pathways from the start in a positive way for her. I know this will be an amazing learning process for us both.