Creating and Publishing a Google Site

Prerequisites: You have a Google Account and you have created a folder in your drive titled "ePortfolio"

1. Open the Google Chrome Web Browser

Here is the download link.

2. Sign in to your Google Account

3. Open your Google Drive

  1. Click on the Google Apps icon on the top right of the window.
  2. Select Drive

4. Open your ePortfolio folder

Your new Google Site will be saved in the right place.

5. Create a Google Site

  1. On the right, under Drive, click New
  2. Click on More
  3. Click Google Sites, and a new tab will open. This is your new Google Site.

6. Take the tour

If this is your first Google Site, a window will pop up to show you how to use Google Sites. Follow the prompts to take the tour.

7. Name your site

Type: [Name] portfolio 2019, e.g., Jo Smith 2020, where it says Enter site name.

8. On the top bar, select Publish.

On Google Sites, Publishing is like Saving. You can make changes later. Each time you select Publish, the changes are visible to viewers of your site.

9. View your URL and select Publish

A window will pop up.

The url generated by Google is unique and based on the name you gave your site in step 1.

You may choose to change the url manually using 'manage', but you may find that the url is already taken. You will then have to add extra characters, e.g. numbers, to your url to make it unique.


10. Manage who can view your site


It is ESSENTIAL that you PUBLISH your site AFTER MAKING ANY CHANGES so that the changes appear to viewers of your site!