Goals and Outcomes

Smart Goal for Class

A goal I have for this specific course is to learn to make my writing better. I want to learn different resources that will be helpful to making my essays and papers better. I feel like I still have a long way to go when it comes to writing good essays or knowing how to word my opinions better. Therefore, in order to accomplish this goal, I will have to pay attention in class and I will also have to ask for advice from my peers when needed.

Smart Goal for Semester

A goal I have for this semester is to try and get good grades such as B's and A's in my classes and to learn to better manage my time as well. I will do all my assignments and spend more than one afternoon studying for quizzes and exams so that I can earn good grades. I also have to keep an agenda to help me manage my time in the week so that I do not wait until the last minute to do assignments.


Regrading the smart goal I had for English 115, I believe I can say that I have accomplished it. I am not as good at writing yet, but I think it is a process that takes more than just a semester. I do have to say that I have improved on writing essays, and I even tried something new while doing my last paper for this class, which I am proud of. I tried a different format than the one I am used to, and I had fun doing it. I also did what I mentioned at the beginning of the semester in my goal; I paid attention in class and I even asked for help from professor Koning as well as my peers.

Regarding the goal for my semester, I wanted to focus on all of my classes. I did accomplish the goals I had stated at the beginning of the semester. I have an agenda in which I wrote down all of my homework, and I crossed it out as I completed it. I was also able to maintain good grades in all my classes by working very hard on assignments, quizzes, and tests. I was also able to manage my time regarding assignments, and I tried my best to complete them beforehand so that I would not be rushing at the end. Overall, I can say that I accomplished all the goals I had set for myself this semester.