Original Image Designed By : Elliot Hurley

Social Justice Deck

Experience playing with a rainbow of beautiful people with fascinating personalities for your next card game.The Social Justice Identity Deck contains 54 standard poker cards that you can play any game with.

Card back designed by: Adrian Wheeler

A boy playing cards with his father and grandfather to show unity and shared experiences over generations.


Individual Cards

Nate Hladki

This card represents a 55-year-old, female tomboy who is a Norwegian CEO.

55-year-old Norwegian tomboy female, who’s a CEO. The card is decorated with Norwegian symbols and the characters is dressed in a suit with short gray hair
45-year-old Brazilian man with tattoos, on one side is him with a tattoo gun and the other is him singing into a microphone

Michaela Barton

This card represents a 45-year-old Brazilian man, often gets stereotyped as a bad guy due to his tattoos, however, is very soft spoken and gentle.

Annah Jarrett

This card represents a 35-year-old straight Celtic Gaelic male looking for adventure not a partner.

35-year-old Celtic Gaelic male shows him holding a map and the other side shows him holding an axe. Character is surrounded by green plaid
25-year-old French American women, with an apron serving drinks

Chyna Bacon

This card represents a 25-year-old French- American woman.

Jenn Martinez

This character is a dance instructor, with Puerto Rican roots.

Puerto Rican Dancer, playing with her hair well dancing
20-year-old who shows her two different cultures, same character but with a different outfit, hair color and make up.

Caryn Cooley

This card represents growing up in America without knowing their culture can make someone feel torn between two cultures. The character’s name is Arania, is a non-binary, 20-year-old who came from an immigrant family from Iran.

Grace Morin

This card represents a man named Marcos Vega, he’s 18 years old. He’s very hardworking and supports his mom and 3 sisters. He loves dressing up and being a drag queen however struggles to hide his identity from his conservative mother.

18-year-old drag queen male, shows him dressed in drag on one side surrounded by bright colored feathers the other side is him in normal attire holding a soccer ball
22-year-old androgynous male, one side is him with long hair doing makeup in a mirror, the other side is the same character but dressed in football attire

Emma Sala

This card represents a 22-year-old, straight, upper-class androgynous, meaning partly male and partly female appearance but is male in sex; with “him, he” pronouns. He enjoys American football and makeup.

Nicole DeLong

This card represents a 14-year-old Japanese American girl who sexually identifies as Bi-Sexual.

14-year-old Japanese American girl wearing a purple shirt surrounded by Japanese cherry blossoms
11-year-old boy from Japanese/ Peruvian culture

Nicole Porter

This card represents a boy named Arturo Tsubasa, he’s 11 years old from a Japanese/ Peruvian culture

Nicole Porter

This card represents a boy named Mauro Zehena, he’s 8 years old born in the Caribbean but raised in Japan.

8-year-old boy with Caribbean/ Japanese culture on one side is him playing in water the other side is him wearing a kimono
5-year-old boy dancing in a field

Raquel Valverde

This character represents a 5-year-old boy who is half Mexican and half Indian. This card represents that two cultures can harmonize with each other.

Wenjin Deng

This card represents an avatar of a monster in Chinese mythology called Taotie, who is greedy and gluttonous.

This card represents an avatar of a monster in Chinese mythology called Taotie, who is greedy and gluttonous.
Shows a plus size women embracing her body in a bikini singing into a microphone on the other side shows the same women in a baggy hoodie covering her body holding a mirror

Vivian Watson

This card represents a woman who struggles with bullying throughout her childhood for being fat but now embraces her body.

Taylor Smalley

This card represents an elderly Norwegian woman who lives on a farm.

Elderly Norwegian Women holding a chicken and beard seed
65-year-old Androgynous Navajo on one side shows the character in native attire and the other side is his horse

Kai Eckman

This card represents a 65-year-old Androgynous Navajo Native American