EPIC Identity Deck

Reason & Concept For The Project

Most card decks are stacked with White Males, the Social Justice Identity Deck wanted to change that by giving players a deck of cool, unique and diverse people to enjoy for any card game.

These decks introduces card players to people of different identites that they can actually hold in their hand.

Theses decks can be used to teach the social juctice standard of identity

Each card will have their own distinct identity


Created by KCAD students and faculty as a part of the EPIC project epicsite.org

All Aces, Faces, and Joker cards are unique works of art that help you unpack social justice. Experience playing with a rainbow of beautiful people with fascinating personalities for your next card game.

The Social Justice Identity Deck contains 54 standard poker cards that you can play any game with. Each artist and designer is listed on an extra card. There are also 2 bonus Joker Cards for extended gameplay.

Inspired by the beauty in all people, the Human Rights Campaign, our friends and our family.

Age as a Part of Identity for the Suits


  • Seniors

  • 65 years and older

  • It is considered as an epitome of "old age" when people learn wisdom, acceptance, transformation etc.


  • Children

  • 5-14 year old

  • It is representation of "childhood" phase of human life


  • Adults

  • 25-64 years old

  • It represents the "growing" phase of human life where a person strives for their career.

  • In shorts, a diamond is an epitome of growth, responsibility, values, security, ect.


  • Youth

  • 15-24 year old

  • It signifies the phase of "youth" where one ephasizes on education .


Clubs- Youth, Intellect

Spades- Warrior, Nobility, Strength

Diamonds- Riches, Leadership

Hearts- Compaassion, Leadership, Love

Kings- Strength, Power

Queens- Historical figures

Jacks- Tricksters, Mischievous

Jokers- Childlike, Foolish

Six figures ( left to right): a 25-year-old women, 8 year-old child, 43-year-old man, 19-year-old person, 6-year-old boy, 71-year-old women

Designed By: Elliot Hurley

From left to right: 25-year-old women, 8-year-old child, 43-year-old man, 19-year-old, 6-year-old boy, 71-year-old women

Concepts for the back of decks:

  • There will be 7 decks total

  • The image above designed by Elliot Hurley will be used on the side of each deck. The image will be split into 7 peieces to make up the image when all 7 decks are put together.