

Aims and Needs

The Role of the Language Teacher

Creative Teaching

Lesson Content:

  • I can place current trends and practice in a wider context:

Topic “Food”: The human demand for food and water is used to establish the notion of man’s ‘environmental footprint’ which raises far-reaching ethical and political questions about access to resources.

  • I can use metaphor and analogy to make connections:

The English teacher uses a metaphor of a dog’s body to illustrate structure in story writing. In this, the dog’s head represents the seeing start of a story, its torso the strong middle and its wagging tail the powerful last sentence.

Teaching Styles:

  • I can switch between styles and varying pace:

Pupils join in with the paralinguistic gestures and repetitive actions of a story in English.

  • I have confidence and ability to inspire:

When the pupils respond: ‘He is himself, ‘Her personality shines through,’ ‘We were allowed to see his mistakes,’

  • I can make students feel valued:

The teacher gives regular clear feedback: ‘I can hear some really interesting parts of your story.’

The Learning Experience:

  • I can engage students on an affective and emotional level:
  • I can challenge students to engage and reflect:

Institutional Resources and Constraints