Disaster Recovery

Recovery Stage

This stage focuses on the restoration of the community from the affects of the disaster. Efforts are dedicated to returning the affected area to normalcy.


You are a decision maker in Germany tasked with disaster recovery. Following flooding events on beginning on July 12th, 2021, rivers have swelled to record levels, flooding cities and towns. Rainfall has exceeded amounts from at least the past 100 years. You need to assess damages and deploy recovery efforts. Using flood observation tools, determine areas where emergency assistance is needed and brainstorm ways to implement aid.

Using ODC-Google Sandbox Colab notebooks, you will produce images of flooding to help guide operations of recovery.

Python, Google Colab, and Open Data Cube Training

If you are unfamiliar with accessing Open Data Cube with Google Colab or other python platforms, you can follow this introduction:

If you would like to learn more about ODC-Google Sandbox follow the buttons below.

In order to run these notebooks, you must have Google Earth Engine Authorization.

Editing the notebook

Follow this link to access the notebook we will be working from:

Changes you make to Google Colab Notebooks from ODC-Sandbox will not be saved. If you would like to save your edits, save your notebook to Google Drive or download it. The existing code will run to return products from a section of the Rhine River during the Germany flooding event. Alter this code to change the output to highlight a unique area or time.

Edit the coordinates in this line of code to change the extent of your analysis to explore other areas affected by this flood.

Acquisition Date Table

Reference the acquisition date table to get the scene number or time slice that corresponds to each date of observation. For example: time slice 2 refers to the data observed on 2021-07-10. Different dates can be highlighted throughout the notebook by changing the featured time slice in the area of code shown on the right.

Partial Scenes

A partial scenes is when your site of selected study is only partially covered by a satellite pass. Be sure to avoid selecting a partial scene to highlight, since the incomplete data will alter your results.

Example of a partial scene

In the discussion forum below, post a map or a time series analysis plot of the flooding event.

You've completed the EOTEC DevNet Floods Scenarios! Hopefully, these demonstrations exposed you to new data, tools, and capacity development resources to support the use of these tools. EOTEC DevNet aims to gather knowledge across diverse Earth observation networks to enhance sharing, collaboration, and to help fill gaps. In the discussion section, we'll focus on the benefits of the cross-network approach to capacity development, how the CALMet community can support EOTEC DevNet, and more importantly, how EOTEC DevNet can assist the CALMet community in coordinating their capacity development, training, and education efforts across disciplines and across the globe.