Fast code for simulating 'Reionization 21-cm signal'
The code has three major parts:
Particle Mesh N-body code
We have developed a particle mesh based N-body code (Bharadwaj & Srikant 2004) to generate underlying dark matter density field at desired redshifts starting with a given input power spectrum. The package also use the Eisenstein and Hu power spectrum which is incorporated with the package itself. The package also provides computes the dark matter power spectrum for given number of bins. It uses Zeldovich approximation to provide dark matter particles initial displacement and velocity.
Download link [github link]
Friends-of-Friend Algorithm (FoF)
We have also developed a code based on the Friends-of-Friend (FoF) algorithm (Davis et al. 1985) to locate the mean position velocity and mass of dark matter halos. These halos are the host for the luminous objects in the Universe.
Download link [github link].
Semi-numerical reionization code
We use a semi-numerical code based on the excursion set formalism (Furlanetto et al. 2004) to generate the HI density fluctuations and obtain the EoR 21-cm power spectrum. The code uses a three parameter model and closely follows the simulations of Choudhury et al. (2009). The code is faster than the state-of-art fully numerical codes.
Download link [github link].
A movie of Reionization made out of our simulations [youtube link]