What is your Impact on the Environment?


This Learning Situation addresses recycling and food waste. To encourage students to interact in small groups, the LS is taught in stations.

The RECIT team documented Hilda Smolash (Teacher, High School of Montreal, EMSB) as she implemented this Learning Situation with her adult students. Our goal was to create a resource for other CCBE teachers to use. Sumru Baser's students (Teacher, EMSB) joined us for this fun lesson!

CCBE Curriculum Links

Where does our garbage go? (Accessing Services: B124-4)

In Quebec society, discussions around recycling and growing amount of garbage is an important issue. We designed this Learning Situation to help CCBE Literacy students be better equipped to communicate appropriately about recycling and food packaging. This can be helpful when accessing and using public services (municipal recycling or garbage services) or private services, such as grocery stores and restaurants.

What are the hidden environmental costs of fruits and vegetables we buy? (Leisure & Personal Interests: B125-4)

Many of us like to cook in our downtime! However, there is often a hidden environmental cost to the fruits and vegetables we buy at the grocery store. We designed this Learning Situation to help CCBE Literacy students to communicate with each other concerning their thoughts around the environmental impact of "ugly produce."