Project Description

The Entrepreneurship Education Ecosystems in Engineering and Technology (E4T) Erasmus+ project aimed to provide more graduates in engineering with entrepreneurial ambition, culture and skills. The partnering universities – a subset of CLUSTER members – have developed their own entrepreneurial ecosystems as a platform for inspiration and via E4T they wanted to:

  • develop models for ingraining entrepreneurship education into specific engineering and technology curricula

  • drive new course concepts into the policy action of the partnering universities

  • build a network for entrepreneurship education by implementing a pilot between the CLUSTER universities within their innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems

  • share best practices for promoting hands-on entrepreneurial skills within accelerations, local hubs, technology platform and student-driven start-up activities

  • piloting of the education ecosystem network in collaboration with a dynamic set of stakeholders including academic institutions,(local, regional and national) agencies and companies and students as co-creators of their education

  • create university-level and transnational training programs for teachers and professors to integrate elements promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills via specific engineering/technology/science disciplines.

The developed and piloted programs were ingrained within the existing ecosystems of the partnering universities and other interested CLUSTER members.