Soyez patient, le temps que les posts Instagram de Mariia Loniuk se chargent.

Будь ласка, зачекайте, поки завантажаться публікації Марії Лонюк в Instagram.

We are one by Mariia Loniuk. Why ukrainians so strong? Because we are one. All Ukrainians support each other and help in any way they can. We are on our own land, we will win.

A cry of pain. In memory of the civilians who died during the war with Russia in Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel and other cities of Ukraine by Mariia Loniuk

Ukraine is strong! by Mariia Loniuk. Russia attacked Ukraine. Russia attacked my beautiful peaceful country....But the Ukrainian people are strong and we will definitely defeat evil!

Ukraine is strong! by Mariia Loniuk. Russia attacked Ukraine. Russia attacked my beautiful peaceful country....But the Ukrainian people are strong and we will definitely defeat evil!

Russian queen by Mariia Loniuk. The imperial monster exists off russian brains it feeds on, and it won't stop until russians stop feeding it. Русский Мир means "russian world", both in a sense of "culturally russian part of the world" and "world taken by Russia".

Peace trap. by Mariia Loniuk.When Russians talk about peace it is always a trap and hypocrisy. The attacking country cannot speak of peace. It's just another ploy to whiten their bloodied hands. Slava Ukraine!

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