I am an associate professor (maîtresse de conférences) at the Université Paris Cité, in Paris.
I completed my PhD in 2019 at Imperial College London, working under the supervision of Professor Johannes Nicaise, and I was part of the London School of Geometry and Number Theory. Then I was a postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, a visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, in Ann Arbor, and a postdoc at the University of Regensburg as member of the Collaborative Research Centre Higher Invariants, supported by the DFG.
Research Interests:
algebraic geometry, non-archimedean geometry, birational geometry
mirror symmetry for Calabi-Yau manifolds, SYZ conjecture
real and non-archimedean Monge-Ampère operators,
toric Fano manifolds and convex polytopes
integral affine manifolds and Berkovich skeletons
classification of Fano varieties and higher Fano manifolds
degenerations of hyper-Kähler varieties and dual complexes
Email: e[dot]mazzon15[at]alumni[dot]imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk
Work address: Université Paris Cité
Bâtiment Sophie Germain
8 Place Aurélie Nemours
75205 PARIS Cedex 13