Professional activities

Conference and seminar organization

Co-organiser of Conference on Tropical and Non-Archimedean Geometry, University of Regensburg, 22-26/7/2024

Workshop co-organiser of Regensburg days on non-archimedean geometry University of Regensburg, 25-27/7/2023

Workshop fundraiser of New Perspectives on SYZ Mirror Symmetry (postponed), Imperial College London.

Seminar co-organiser of Imperial Junior Geometry seminar, 9/2017–7/2018

Outreach activities

Organiser of two outreach projects in collaboration with the Italian high schools Liceo Scientifico Dalla Chiesa in Sesto Calende (Milan) and Liceo Valsalice (Turin.)

Activity organiser of The Great Exhibition Road Festival Imperial College London.

Activity assistant at Imperial Late: Xmaths, Imperial College London.

Co-organiser and speaker at Maths Royal Institution Masterclass, 2018–2019, The geometry of origami.

Activity assistant at Fun family day, Royal Institution of Great Britain.