How you can help

Monetary Donations:

Submit testimony on setback bills in the city council

OPPOSE Bill 29 - Provides a setback of 1500 feet between a wind farm and the next property line.

Support Bill 28 - provides a 1.25 mile setback between a wind farm and the next property line.


Support Bill 30 - This bill provides a 5-mile setback between a wind farm and the next property line making it difficult to put in a new wind farm anywhere on Oahu.

1st hearing was on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 @10 am. Here is the Council Agenda for June 2nd, 2021-

There will be multiple steps, and the opportunity to testify before any of these become law: 1) 1st hearing in full council 2) committee hearing 3) 2nd council hearing 3) 2nd committee hearing 4) 3rd and final hearing and final vote. We must provide testimony at each step of the process.

ORAL TESTIMONY - visit, click “Join,” enter meeting number 187 978 0241, and complete the registration process. Registrants will receive an email that contains links and information on joining the meeting. Webex testifiers are strongly encouraged to register at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting. Remote testimony will be taken at the start of the agenda.

WRITTEN TESTIMONY may be faxed to 768-3826 or to for distribution at the meeting. Written testimony will not be accepted in person at the meeting.

Health Check-Up

Kahuku residents and any resident within a 6-mile radius from the current and new turbines in Kahuku: Complete a full physical/health check-up, for each of your family members, with your physician asap / before the new turbines become operational.

Advocate for legislative initiatives related to Kahuku's IWT

Learn about important bills that were proposed in the current legislative session. Stay informed, get involved and make your voices heard! The legislative process moves quickly so don't hesitate to prepare for the new legislative session now.

Sign Online Petitions:

Kū Kia'i Kahuku No more Wind Turbines

DOE, Protect our Keiki!


Protect Kahuku Community From Monster Turbines

Voice your concerns about the Na Pua Makani wind project with government officials and agencies:

Rescind the incidental take permit until the EIS can be updated with missing data and studies on human health effects and until pending litigation on the inadequate Na Pua Makani Habitat Conservation Plan that does not protect endangered species in the area or follow the federal Endangered Species Act.

Rescind the Na Pua Makani project permits and negotiate the termination of this project. Place a moratorium on current and planned wind projects, until pending issues regarding the dangers of industrial turbines are addressed. That includes infrasound, sound pollution and the killing of endangered species. Place parameters on the Green Energy Initiative to protect rural communities from destructive developments and ensure environmental justice.

    • Contact Governor Ige - Email Governor Ige

    • Office of the Governor - The Honorable David Y. Ige - Governor, State of Hawaii

    • Executive Chambers - State Capitol

    • Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

    • Phone: (808) 586-0034

    • Fax: (808) 586-0006

    • Email State Senators

    • Email State Representatives

Urge the BLNR to adhere to its mission and ask them to protect the ‘Ope’ape’a and other native and endangered species as opposed to permitting industrial wind projects that endanger species even further:

Submit concerns about permit violations and the permitting process:


  • 650 S. King Street, 7th Floor, Honolulu, HI 96813

  • Phone (808) 768-8000

  • Fax (808) 768-6743