How to overcome difficulty in meditation

Either you are a complete beginner and don’t know where to start your practice or you have been practicing meditation for some time now but feel stuck. Whatever the case, It is pretty common to find yourself in difficult situations when you meditate. Today we will talk about a few such difficulties and discuss how to overcome them. We will also talk about healing techniques for mental health for those who feel blocks on a mental level and want to heal from inside out.


Well once you have understood “How” and “What” of meditation and actually start sitting for the practice, you will discover the real meaning of restlessness. You will feel this sudden urge to open your eyes and to move your body. Moreover, the more you try to suppress it, the more it will force you to jump out of your seat.

Here are a few tips for beginners to overcome this difficulty.

The first tip is a good physical activity or an active meditation technique just before sitting for meditation. Find out what you like and move your body for at least 10-15 minutes. Exercise, Yoga, dancing, or just intensely shaking your body will help get rid of this restlessness.

The second tip is to just accept that this is your own energy and not to exaggerate it.

Uncomfortable Thoughts:--

We all know that our mind is a chatterbox and it is loudest when we are expecting it to do the exact opposite. Again, let us remind you that this is also quite normal.

But, sometimes it happens that during meditation or owing to some other unknown reason, a button somewhere gets activated and we start feeling this extreme anger, frustration, hatred, energy or start reliving some past trauma.

In such cases, healing Techniques for Mental Health are the most helpful. Whatever you are experiencing was always there, most probably suppressed. And now that you are reliving it, only indicates that this part of you needs to be healed and accepted fully.


So like everything else in life, consistency is really important while practicing meditation. So how to stay consistent with your practice or let’s say ‘stay motivated?’

Actually the answer is quite simple. Be in touch with people who are also practicing meditation. Make a group of likeminded people with whom you meet and talk frequently to meditate. Or join an already existing group that prioritizes practicing meditation. This will not only make you consistent with your practice but will also deepen your state of meditation. Moreover, you will benefit from each other’s energy and experiences.

For example, at Enlightened Circle, we keep 1-2 hour long sessions to many hours long sessions regularly just to practice meditation. To know about more such programs, visit Enlightened Circle.

Feeling Stuck in Your Journey:-

It often happens that people who have been meditating for some time feel that they are not progressing anymore. That they sit for meditation everyday but are not seeing any change or growth.

For those, we suggest that you take guidance from a mentor or someone simply more experienced. It is as simple as taking help of teachers, coaches, trainers, experts or anyone who is a master in that particular field. This will give wings to your practice. So if you were walking before right guidance, you will start flying under the guidance of the right mentor.

Enlightened Circle also conducts programs for beginners as well as seasoned practitioners. One such program is the Dhyan Yog which erases the old and sets the base for meditation to flower.

Always remember that not everyone faces the same problems. Like our experiences are customized, our problems are also specific to our very own nature. We tried to solve some of the most common problems faced by people along with some tips for the beginners. But if you have any other difficulty meditating or have any query, write to us at We will be more than happy to help you out.

Thank You.