Either you are a complete beginner and don’t know where to start your pract

We have heard many times about the benefits of Meditation, at the physical body level, such as reducing stress, reducing anger, disease control and many more. But that isn't all. With meditation you heal mentally and emotionally too. While the physical problems are the ones that cannot be ignored as they are clearly visible, the emotional or mind troubles often go unnoticed or unacknowledged. Most of the time, they are not even visible. But if these are ignored for some time, it can cause long and sustaining negative effects on our body and/or mind, sometimes even chronic diseases. Of course, not everyone is affected in the same way. The effect may vary from person to person, but it certainly is negative.

Here we aim to talk about how regular practice of meditation can equip you with skills that will help you maneuver through life (both personal and professional), gracefully. Moreover, if you are a beginner, we have mentioned a few meditation tips and Meditation courses in India to help you with your journey.

One may wonder how such a simple activity (read non-activity in this context ) of meditation comes with numerous benefits that affects all aspects of life, that too, with positive outcome.

Consider it as a lifetime gift to mankind, from existence. If there is anything that you can fall back upon at any point of time in life, it is this - MEDITATION !!!

Respond, not react!

Most often, when we are in a situation, we react instantly, which is born out of our habits based on past experiences. There is no thinking involved, no assessment of the current situation.

Someone insults you, and you instantly return the same back. You don't think because you are habitual of giving it back to the other with higher intensity, perhaps. With meditation comes awareness and alertness, to respond to a situation considering multiple other factors in the present moment.

Here is the first meditation tip for you: take a few deep breaths before sitting for the meditation. It will help come to the present moment immediately.


Time and again, it has been proven that meditation helps remove distractions, hence improving focus. Needless to say, with improved focus, the productivity and quality gets better in whatever you do, be it work, study, planning etc.

Self love

With the word LOVE, we are conditioned to think about some other person or thing. Never ever we think about ourselves when talking about love. They say charity begins at home. We say love begins with oneself. Self love gives you confidence and removes insecurity.

Enjoy aloneness

This skill has become more relevant with time. We have seen it during the Corona times that when the outer distractions were removed, our choices to keep ourselves busy, also declined. Hence, we had to spend a lot of time with ourselves, which a lot of us didn't know how to. Silent sitting teaches you to be blissful in your own company.

Here is one more meditation tip for you: Instead of trying to sit for long periods in one sitting, try to sit for shorter time periods like 15 to 20 minutes. It will really help you start your journey. Eventually you would be able to sit for longer periods too.


It is not towards someone or something, in particular. Gratitude is an attitude, in general, towards anyone or anything. With increased awareness and lesser distractions, you start observing your environment more intensely. No matter how big or small things are, you develop unconditional gratitude towards anyone or anything. And life becomes a constant celebration.

These are the most important 5 life changing skills acquired through meditation. There can be no excuse to let these go. For the best meditation courses in India, check out the official website of Enlightened Circle - www.enlightenedcircle.in, for offline and online programs.