MaKenzie Broner's Portfolio

About Me

Hello, My name is Makenzie Broner and here is a little bit about me, and my love for writing as writer. I was born and raised in Brunswick, Georgia but throughout my life I traveled between Georgia and New York, where I initially discovered the feeling of freedom represented in the picture above. During my trips I had nothing but books and journals to occupy my time. This was the perfect time to practice my art and that's when I fell in love with writing. Throughout the years I developed a passion for writing simply because it felt as if I were conversing amongst myself; which I also love to do. Which brings us to my current writing journey. I am beginning to acquire my own writing style as well as becoming a better writer altogether. In addition, I participate in varies dance classes and wish to pursue a career in the fine arts as well as in writing. Above is a picture of my performance last year of my studios ballet, "Aladdin". It has not been easy balancing my academic and extracurricular activities, but nothing in life is really easy if you're determined to be the best. Thank you for reading my portfolio.