Featured topics are intended for an audience of people who are not legal experts. We expect that these overviews will answer 80 percent of common questions about a particular topic. They are designed to be easy to scan and navigate. They have clear headings and links that help users skip to a particular section. The overviews are also designed to be easy to understand. They use icons to help explain definitions and they provide clear examples.

The Topics API provides a new form of interest-based advertising using topics (categories of interest) that are assigned to a browser based on recent user activity. These topics can supplement contextual information to help select appropriate advertisements.

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With the Topics API, the browser observes and records topics that appear to be of interest to the user, based on their browsing activity. This information is recorded on the user's device. The Topics API can then give API callers (such as ad tech platforms) access to a user's topics of interest, but without revealing additional information about the user's browsing activity.

Of course the Topics API must ensure that the topics of interest it provides are kept up to date. The browser infers topics for a user based on their browsing activity during a period of time known as an epoch, currently one week. Each user has their own epochs (epochs are "per user") and the initial start time is randomized. The topic selected for each epoch is randomly selected from the user's top five topics for that time period. To further enhance privacy and ensure that all topics may be represented, there is a 5% chance the topic is randomly selected from all possible topics in a taxonomy of interests.

Topics are selected from a taxonomy consisting of hierarchical categories such as /Arts & Entertainment/Music & Audio/Soul & R&B and /Business & Industrial/Agriculture & Forestry. These topics have been curated by Chrome for initial testing, but with the goal that the taxonomy becomes a resource maintained by trusted ecosystem contributors. The taxonomy needs to be small enough that many users' browsers will be associated with each topic. Currently the number of topics is 349, but we expect the final number of topics to be between a few hundred and a few thousand.

To avoid sensitive categories, topics must be public, human-curated, and remain up to date. The initial taxonomy proposed for testing by Chrome has been human-curated to exclude categories generally considered sensitive, such as ethnicity or sexual orientation.

For 10,000 top sites, the Topics API implementation in Chrome uses a manually curated, publicly available override list to map hostnames to topics. For other sites, the Topics API uses a machine learning model to infer topics from hostnames.

The diagram below shows a simplified example to demonstrate how the Topics API might help an ad tech platform select an appropriate ad. The example assumes that the user's browser already has a model to map website hostnames to topics.

A design goal of the Topics API is to enable interest-based advertising without sharing information with more entities than is currently possible with third-party cookies. The Topics API is designed so topics can only be returned for API callers that have already observed them, within a limited timeframe. An API caller is said to have observed a topic for a user if it has called the document.browsingTopics() method in code included on a site that the Topics API has mapped to that topic.

The API returns only topics that have been observed by the caller within the most recent three epochs. This helps stop information about the user from being shared with more entities than the technologies the API is replacing (including third-party cookies).

The number of topics returned depends on the number of topics that the API caller has previously observed, and the number of topics that the user has available (such as the number of weeks of data accumulated). Anywhere from zero to three topics may be returned, as one topic can be indicated for each of the three recent epochs

Just like your business caters to certain customers, your customers may be interested in certain topics. Topic targeting lets you place your ads on web pages, apps, and videos about those topics, whether it's agriculture, music, or something else entirely.

Topic targeting allows your ads to be eligible to appear on any pages on the Display Network or YouTube that have content related to your selected topics. As content across the web changes over time, the pages on which your ads appear can change with it. To display your ads on those pages, simply select one or more topics that you find relevant for your ads.

By targeting the "Autos & Vehicles" topic, for instance, you enable your ad to appear on any Display Network website or other placement that includes content about cars or other automotive themes. You can also select more precise subtopics, such as Trucks & SUVs, Commercial Vehicles, or Motorcycles.

Pricing for targeting by topics works the same way as pricing for other types of targeting. You set your bid or choose an automated bid strategy, and the Google Ads system will show your ad on pages on the Google Network with content about that topic where your bid can win a position. A popular topic may have thousands or even tens of thousands of pages where your ad could appear.

To help other people find and contribute to your project, you can add topics to your repository related to your project's intended purpose, subject area, affinity groups, or other important qualities.

With topics, you can explore repositories in a particular subject area, find projects to contribute to, and discover new solutions to a specific problem. Topics appear on the main page of a repository. You can click a topic name to see related topics and a list of other repositories classified with that topic.

Repository admins can add any topics they'd like to a repository. Helpful topics to classify a repository include the repository's intended purpose, subject area, community, or language. Additionally, GitHub analyzes public repository content and generates suggested topics that repository admins can accept or reject. Private repository content is not analyzed and does not receive topic suggestions.

You can search for repositories that are associated with a particular topic. For more information, see "Searching for repositories." You can also search for a list of topics on GitHub. For more information, see "Searching topics."

NOTE: The Solicitations and topics listed on this site are copies from the various SBIR agency solicitations and are not necessarily the latest and most up-to-date. For this reason, you should visit the respective agency SBIR sites to read the official version of the solicitations and download the appropriate forms and rules.

You can browse our information by topic area or see what we highlight in our featured topics. These pages provide reports, recommendations, curated information and summaries, videos, podcasts, blog posts, and more.

In Copilot Studio, a topic represents some portion of a conversational thread between a user and a copilot. You define and work with topics on an authoring canvas, which is the app itself. A topic contains one or more conversation nodes, which together define the conversational paths that a topic can take. Each node performs an action, such as sending a message or asking a question.

System topics support essential behaviors, such as a custom request to speak to a person or end the conversation. Some system topics have trigger phrases, which you can customize to fit your copilot's needs.

Add a Name to identify the topic, such as "Store hours". The Topics page lists all the topics defined in your copilot, by this name.A customer might see the topic name if the copilot can't determine which topic matches the customer's message.

You can't delete or disable system topics or edit their trigger phrases. However, you can customize the nodes on the authoring canvas. We recommend that you don't customize these topics until you're comfortable creating an end-to-end bot conversation.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders, offers basic information on mental disorders, a range of related topics, and the latest mental health research.

For certain topics, the Task Force develops companion discussion guides to facilitate meaningful discussions between healthcare professionals and patients about Task Force recommendations. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to use these guides as conversation starters with their patients when making decisions about preventive services.

To send a message to a combination of topics,specify a condition, which is a boolean expression that specifies thetarget topics. For example, the following condition will send messages todevices that are subscribed to TopicA and either TopicB or TopicC: 006ab0faaa

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